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Samuel Achilefu, PhD

cancer, optical molecular imaging, molecular probe, near infrared, peptide

Joseph J. H. Ackerman, PhD

biophysics, cancer, imaging, mathematical modeling, neurobiology

Sarah Ackerman, PhD

astrocytes, plasticity, circuits, development, myelination

Solny Adalsteinsson, PhD

We are a collaborative research group investigating strategies to reduce human and wildlife disease risk and conserve biodiversity

Hema Adhikari, PhD

oncoprotein signaling networks

Rebecca Aft, MD, PhD

Isolation and characterization of cancer-related genes

Gustav Akk, PhD

Function and modulation of transmitter-gated ion channels

Ream Al-Hasani, PhD

Understanding the endogenous opioid systems to defeat addiction, ameliorate affective disorders, and relieve chronic pain.

Jennifer Alexander-Brett, MD, PhD

My research focuses on respiratory immunobiology, with a particular interest in cytokine pathways associated with adult lung epithelial progenitor cells.

Tarek Alhamad, MD, MS, FACP, FASN

simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation, donation after cardiac death, immunosuppression minimization.

Gaya K. Amarasinghe, PhD

Signaling through interferons: Mechanisms and implications for viral pathogenesis and cancer biology

Hongyu An, DSc

Develop novel imaging methods to deepen our understanding on pathophysiology and improve clinical diagnosis and patient management

Beau Ances, MD, PhD

Alzheimer’s disease, HIV, Down Syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Autoimmune encephalitis

Rajendra S. Apte, MD, PhD

Innate immunity and immune effector mechanisms in the retina; oxidative stress and cell death; models of developmental angiogenesis and neovascularization; inflammation and photoreceptor survival; macular degeneration

Vivek Arora, MD

My laboratory uses a variety of approaches to discover the molecular events that drive prostate and bladder cancer genesis and progression.

Ghazaleh Ashrafi, PhD

Uncovering novel regulators of glycolytic and mitochondrial metabolism at the synapse and their role in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease

Michael Simon Avidan, M. B. B. Ch.

His research interests include intraoperative awareness, postoperative cognitive alteration, brain monitoring during surgery, and postoperative outcomes.

Kareem Azab, PhD

We investigate the mechanisms of neoplasia and metastasis, and develop targeted drug-delivery systems for cancer treatment.

Martha W. Bagnall, PhD

Quantification of zebrafish behavior using automated tracking software; or, design and implementation of Crispr/Cas9-based transgenesis in zebrafish to revel populations of spinal neurons

Dennis L. Barbour, MD, PhD

Sensation, perception and cognitive processing of sounds and speech

Deanna Barch, PhD

Neurobiological and Psychological Mechanisms of Cognitive and Emotional Control: Normative Function and Abnormalities in Psychiatric Disorders

Wayne M. Barnes, PhD

Inventing a new way to sequence DNA; PCR at one temp; RT-enabled Taq pol.

Rebecca Bart, PhD

When plant disease occurs, it can be devastating to farmers and consumers. Pesticides are often employed in an attempt to limit spread, further adding to the total cost of disease.

Eli Baskir, MS

The Behavior Lab at the Saint Louis Zoo studies animal behavior in a variety of species and contexts.

Steven Bassnett, PhD

Cell and molecular biology of the ocular lens

Randall J. Bateman, MD

Alzheimer disease pathophysiology

Luis F. Z. Batista, PhD

Understanding the importance of telomerase in human stem and progenitor cell function and regulation

Adam Q. Bauer

novel optical imaging technology, neural activity, stroke recovery

Philip V. Bayly, PhD

The application of nonlinear dynamics and vibrations to mechanical and biomedical systems

Jeffrey Bednarski, MD, PhD

My lab investigates the signals that regulate early B cell development. Specifically, we are interested in how cellular responses activated by double-strand DNA breaks integrate with normal development processes.

Yehuda Ben-Shahar, PhD

We study the evolutionary, genetic, molecular, cellular, and behavioral mechanisms underlying the interaction of animals with their physical and social environments.

Tammie L. S. Benzinger, MD, PhD

The integration of MRI and PET using simultaneous acquisition (combined PET-MRI scanning) in both Alzheimer’s disease and brain tumor research

Mikhail Y. Berezin, PhD

Berezin Lab research interest lies in the application of optical imaging to understand complex biomedical problems, such as peripheral neuropathies, nerve regenerations, and chronic pain.

Carmen Bergom, MD, PhD

Identification of new targets to improve tumor radiation effectiveness and to protect normal tissues such as the heart from radiation injury

Carlos Bernal-Mizrachi, MD

Novel mechanisms of cardiovascular disease in human and mouse models with insulin resistance and type 2 DM

Stephen M. Beverley, PhD

The Beverley Laboratory focuses on the molecular genetics of protozoan parasites, including some of the most deadly pathogens known.

Laura Jean Bierut, MD

Smoking behavior, substance dependence, genetically informed clinical care

Tarin Bigley, MD, PhD

Viral Immunology, Herpesvirology, Autoimmunity, Immunologic Tolerance

Janine D. Bijsterbosch, PhD

My research program focuses on studying connectivity networks in the human brain using advanced MRI imageanalysis methods

Kevin J. Black, MD

fMRI, imaging, movement disorders, Tourette syndrome, pharmacology, PET

Pablo M. Blazquez, PhD

Function of the Cerebellar-brainstem loop in motor control, spatial navigation and motor learning

Joshua Blodgett, PhD

Interdisciplinary questions surrounding bacterial small molecule production

Joseph Bloom, PhD

Nicotine dependence, drug metabolism, human genetics

Kendall J. Blumer, PhD

G protein-coupled receptor signaling in physiology and disease

Ryan Bogdan, PhD

How genetic variation and environmental experience contribute to individual differences in brain function, behavior, and psychopathology

Kelly L. Bolton, PhD, MD

The interplay between inherited genetic variation, environmental factors, and acquired mutations in shaping the earliest stages of carcinogenesis

Jacco Boon, PhD

Pathogenesis of Influenza A viruses

Arpita Bose, PhD

Our lab studies microbial metabolisms and their influence on biogeochemical cycling using an interdisciplinary approach.

Ron Bose, MD, PhD

Tyrosine Kinase Signaling in Breast Cancer

Kelly Botteron, MD

Child and adolescent psychiatry, early onset depression, autism, pervasive developmental disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, Tourette’s disorder, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia, neuropsychiatry