Biol 500N, Independent Research in Neuroscience (spring/fall)
Research in neuroscience under the supervision of a faculty sponsor. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and permission of sponsor and the department. Credit/No Credit or Audit grade options; credit to be determined in each case, usually 3 units/semester and not to exceed 3 units/semester; may be repeated for credit. If work is to be submitted for Latin honors, see p. 3 of the Department of Biology Handbook for Majors, Latin Honors Through a Biology Major Program. The handbook can be found online HERE. Arrangements for registration should be completed during the preregistration period through the Bio 500 course website. M. Lambo
Biol 500U, Summer Independent Research in Neuroscience
Summer research in neuroscience under the supervision of a faculty
sponsor. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and permission of sponsor and the department. Credit to be determined in each case, usually 3 units/summer; may be repeated for credit in different summers. Credits are received in the fall semester following the summer research. If work is to be submitted for Latin honors, see p. 3 of the Department of Biology Handbook for Majors, Latin Honors Through a Biology Major Program. The handbook can be found online HERE. Arrangements for registration should be completed no later than the end of Summer Session I through the Bio 500 course website. Credit/No Credit or Audit grade options. Course may not be taken for a letter grade. 1-3 units. M. Lambo
Declaring a Major Program in Biology: Neuroscience
Students may declare a major program in the neuroscience specialization through WebSTAC. A declared major in the specialization does not guarantee eventual enrollment in laboratory courses Biol 404 Laboratory of Neurophysiology (prior permission of instructor is required for enrollment), Biol 3423 Behavioral Genetics Laboratory (enrollment by registration priority on WebSTAC), or Biol 360 Biophysics Laboratory (enrollment by registration priority on WebSTAC). The laboratory requirement for the neuroscience specialization can be met by any of the other courses approved for upper-level laboratory credit in biology (see p. 2 of the Biology Department Handbook ) provided that a student also has 6 credits for Biol 500N/U (Independent Research in Neuroscience). To register for Biol 500N/U, see instructions HERE.
Students who already have credit for Biology 500/500A/500S/500T for independent research in neuroscience can request a waiver allowing them to have their prior Biology 500 credit count toward the Biology 500N/500U requirement. Waiver requests can be submitted to