Solny Adalsteinsson, PhD

We are a collaborative research group investigating strategies to reduce human and wildlife disease risk and conserve biodiversity

Eli Baskir, MS

The Behavior Lab at the Saint Louis Zoo studies animal behavior in a variety of species and contexts.

Yehuda Ben-Shahar, PhD

We study the evolutionary, genetic, molecular, cellular, and behavioral mechanisms underlying the interaction of animals with their physical and social environments.

Janine D. Bijsterbosch, PhD

My research program focuses on studying connectivity networks in the human brain using advanced MRI imageanalysis methods

Alex Bradley, PhD

I am a biogeochemist interested the ways in which the evolution of life on Earth and the evolution of the Earth`s environment have affected one another over the course of Earth history.

Monica Carlsen-Krause , PhD

plant systematics, taxonomy, floristics, phylogenomic diversification

Bruce A. Carlson, PhD

We study animal communication, sensory processing, and brain evolution

Thomas B. Croat, PhD

My research interests involve the systematics, floristics and ecology of the family Araceae (philodendron family).

Gautam Dantas, PhD

The Dantas Lab works at the interface of microbial genomics, ecology, synthetic biology, and systems biology, to understand, harness, and engineer the biochemical processing potential of microbial communities.

Sharon Deem, DVM, PhD, DACZM

Sharon has conducted conservation and research projects in 30 countries around the world.

Ashley Edes, PhD

Zoo animal welfare, Primatology, Stress physiology & endocrinology, Allostatic load, Behavior

David A. Fike, PhD

Microbial biogeochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, microbial mats, carbon cycling, sulfur cycling, Earth history

Paul Hime, PhD

Genomics, Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Phylogenetics

Peter C. Hoch, PhD

I am interested in understanding plant evolution on a broad scale, why some species and genera are so successful (sometimes even invasive) and why other closely related taxa are rare or threatened.

Andreas Kautt

Evolution, Genomics, Animal Behavior, Adaptation, Speciation

Elizabeth A. Kellogg, PhD

We are fascinated by the elegant and diverse forms that plants can take, and we explore the biological basis of this diversity.

Corinne Kozlowski, PhD

As the Zoo’s Endocrinologist, Dr. Kozlowski’s work focuses on the reproductive status and health of endangered species, both in zoos and in the wild.

Michael Landis, PhD

Statistical phylogenetics, Bayesian inference, historical biogeography, phenotypic evolution

Xinyi Liu, PhD

Archaeology, isotopic ecology, macrofossil study, plant domestication paleodiet

Liz Mallott, PhD

host-associated microbial communities, gut microbiome

Liz Mallott, PhD

human gut microbiome, host-associated microbial communities, gut microbial SCFA metabolism

Krista Milich, PhD

Reproductive Physiology, Sexual Selection, Nonhuman Primates, Reproductive Ecology, Behavioral Endocrinology, Zoonotic Disease, Community Conservation

Josh L. Morgan, PhD

connectomics, vision, retina, LGN, synapse, electron microscopy, circuit

Jonathan A. Myers, PhD

​We are broadly interested in understanding the ecological forces that shape both below- and above-ground biotic communities.

Kenneth M. Olsen, PhD

My research focuses on the genetic basis of evolution in plants: how is the genetic variation that we find within a species shaped by natural selection, population history, and other evolutionary forces?

Eleanor Pardini

I am broadly interested in the effects of genetic and ecological processes on population dynamics of invasive and rare plants. My research addresses questions that lie at the interface of population ecology and population genetics.

Rachel M. Penczykowski, PhD

The ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, with a focus on wild populations of herbaceous plant hosts and their powdery mildew pathogens.

David Queller, PhD

Social evolution, behavior, and genomics of microbes, symbiosis, microbiomes, happy and diverse lab welcoming undergraduates

Jan Salick, PhD

Climate change, Alpine botany, Ethnobotany, Tropical ecology, Agroecology, Traditional knowledge and science, Biocultural collections

Crickette Sanz, PhD

instraspecific variation in the behavioral ecology of wild chimpanzees

Joan E. Strassmann, PhD

Social evolution, behavior, and genomics of microbes, symbiosis, microbiomes, happy and diverse lab welcoming undergraduates

Christopher N. Topp, PhD

The Topp Lab takes a phenomics approach to study crop root growth dynamics in response to environmental stress such as drought and rhizosphere competition…

Ting Wang, PhD

DNA methylation, transposable elements, epigenomics, evolution, genomics, systems biology

Katie Westby, PhD

ecology and evolution of mosquitoes

Emily Wroblewski, PhD

molecular work at the intersection of (ecological) immunology, disease ecology, and behavioral ecology