Olin Business School offers a Virtual Computer Lab that allows you to access the programs you used to find on the computer lab PCs using shared remote desktop servers.

Even though you are running lab programs on a remote server, the programs appear as if it they are running on your computer using a feature called RemoteApp.  RemoteApp works on Windows PCs, Macs, and even iOS devices (iPhones and iPads) as well as Android devices. However, due to the small screen size the use of a phone is not recommended.

The number of Virtual Lab logons is limited to 60.  Please be courteous and only access the Virtual Lab when necessary and close out of your apps when finished to allow for other students to access the lab.

If you run into problems, please let us know by sending an email with a detailed description of your problem to the Help Desk (ITHelp@wustl.edu).  For immediate assistance with the Virtual Lab, please contact WashU IT at 314-933-3333.

Instructions for installing the necessary Remote Desktop Client software as well as accessing the RemoteApp programs is available via the links below:


See below for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



  1. Who can access the Virtual Lab?

Non-PhD Olin students as well as any student taking a business class. Olin faculty may access the Virtual Lab to test applications their students will be using, but the lab should not be used on a regular basis.  PhD and DBA students are restricted from using the lab because they have their own PhD server available for their use.

Students log in using their WUSTL Key credentials.

  1. What software is available via the Virtual Lab?

The following software programs previously found in the Simon Hall computer lab are available in the virtual lab:

  • Crystal Ball 11.1
  • ExtendSim 10
  • FrontLine Analytic Solver 16
  • SPSS Statistics 26
  • SPSS Amos 26 (3 users)
  • JMP 15
  • JuliaPro
  • LINDO 6.1, LINGO 18
  • Mathematica 12.1
  • MATLAB R2020a
  • Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus
  • Minitab 19
  • Morningstar Direct
  • Palisade DecisionTools 7.6 (@RISK, BigPicture, PrecisionTree, TopRank, NeuralTools, StatTools, Evolver, RISKOptimizer)
  • ProcessModel 5
  • R 4.0.2, R 3.63, and RStudio
  • Rockwell Arena 16
  • S&P Capital HQ
  • Sawtooth Software
  • StataMP 16 (10 users)
  1. How do I print from a RemoteApp?

The local printers on your computer will be mapped in your Virtual Lab session. When you select the option to print, you should see your local printer listed.

  1. Is there a time limit on my Virtual Lab sessions?

Your sessions will remain active as long as you actively using the software. If you are not actively using your session, it will be disconnected after one hour.  If your session remains idle for another 30 minutes, it will be terminated.

  1. How do I access my files?

Box Drive will not be available on the Virtual Lab. You can access the local drive on the computer that you are accessing the Lab from at the following locations:

Windows PC: Local drives are listed as “Drive Letter on Computer Name”

C: Drive = C on My Computer
D: Drive = D on My Computer
Mac: TBD

  1. Is there a limit to how many users can use the Virtual Lab?

Yes. For performance and licensing reasons, the number of Virtual Lab users is limited to 60. Please be courteous and only use the Virtual Lab when necessary, and be sure to close your Apps to free up space for another student.