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Joseph J. H. Ackerman, PhD

biophysics, cancer, imaging, mathematical modeling, neurobiology

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Sarah Ackerman, PhD

astrocytes, plasticity, circuits, development, myelination

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Gustav Akk, PhD

Function and modulation of transmitter-gated ion channels

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Ream Al-Hasani, PhD

Understanding the endogenous opioid systems to defeat addiction, ameliorate affective disorders, and relieve chronic pain.

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Hongyu An, DSc

Develop novel imaging methods to deepen our understanding on pathophysiology and improve clinical diagnosis and patient management

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Beau Ances, MD, PhD

Alzheimer’s disease, HIV, Down Syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Autoimmune encephalitis

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Rajendra S. Apte, MD, PhD

Innate immunity and immune effector mechanisms in the retina; oxidative stress and cell death; models of developmental angiogenesis and neovascularization; inflammation and photoreceptor survival; macular degeneration

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Ghazaleh Ashrafi, PhD

Uncovering novel regulators of glycolytic and mitochondrial metabolism at the synapse and their role in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease

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Michael Simon Avidan, M. B. B. Ch.

His research interests include intraoperative awareness, postoperative cognitive alteration, brain monitoring during surgery, and postoperative outcomes.

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Martha W. Bagnall, PhD

Quantification of zebrafish behavior using automated tracking software; or, design and implementation of Crispr/Cas9-based transgenesis in zebrafish to revel populations of spinal neurons

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Dennis L. Barbour, MD, PhD

Sensation, perception and cognitive processing of sounds and speech

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Deanna Barch, PhD

Neurobiological and Psychological Mechanisms of Cognitive and Emotional Control: Normative Function and Abnormalities in Psychiatric Disorders

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Randall J. Bateman, MD

Alzheimer disease pathophysiology

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Adam Q. Bauer

novel optical imaging technology, neural activity, stroke recovery

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Philip V. Bayly, PhD

The application of nonlinear dynamics and vibrations to mechanical and biomedical systems

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Yehuda Ben-Shahar, PhD

We study the evolutionary, genetic, molecular, cellular, and behavioral mechanisms underlying the interaction of animals with their physical and social environments.

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Tammie L. S. Benzinger, MD, PhD

The integration of MRI and PET using simultaneous acquisition (combined PET-MRI scanning) in both Alzheimer’s disease and brain tumor research

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Janine D. Bijsterbosch, PhD

My research program focuses on studying connectivity networks in the human brain using advanced MRI imageanalysis methods

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Kevin J. Black, MD

fMRI, imaging, movement disorders, Tourette syndrome, pharmacology, PET

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Pablo M. Blazquez, PhD

Function of the Cerebellar-brainstem loop in motor control, spatial navigation and motor learning

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Kendall J. Blumer, PhD

G protein-coupled receptor signaling in physiology and disease

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Ryan Bogdan, PhD

How genetic variation and environmental experience contribute to individual differences in brain function, behavior, and psychopathology

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Kelly Botteron, MD

Child and adolescent psychiatry, early onset depression, autism, pervasive developmental disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, Tourette’s disorder, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia, neuropsychiatry

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Todd Braver, PhD

Studies of cognitive (executive) control and prefrontal cortex function using cognitive neuroscience methods (fMRI, computational, behavioral, clinical)

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Paul C. Bridgman, PhD

Cell biology of developing nerve and muscle cells

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David M. Brogan, MD, MSc

Nerve injury, nerve regeneration, intra-operatively, mechanisms of inhibiting Wallerian degeneration, Schwann cell dedifferentiation

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William Buchser, PhD

We and collaborators seek to understand the biological pathway that controls degeneration and regeneration in these important cells.

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Andreas H. Burkhalter, PhD

Structure and physiology of neuronal circuits in mouse visual cortex

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Thomas P. Burris, PhD

Pharmacology and chemical biology of nuclear receptors.

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Harold Burton, PhD

Structure and physiology of neuronal circuits in mouse visual cortex

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Meghan C. Campbell, PhD

Research falls within the category of Cognitive and Clinical Neuropsychology, with emphasis on the cognitive and behavioral sequelae associated with movement disorders, particularly Parkinson disease and Tourette Syndrome.

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Yu-Qing Cao, PhD

Ion channel, migraine, headache, chronic pain, synaptic transmission, neuronal excitability, electrophysiology

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Bruce A. Carlson, PhD

We study animal communication, sensory processing, and brain evolution

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Alex Carter, MD, PhD

Network plasticity as it pertains to neurorehabilitation, particularly in recovery from stroke

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Anil Cashikar, PhD

understanding how oxysterols influence neuroinflammation, synaptic dysfunction and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease

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Daniel Castro, PhD

Understanding the biological and psychological mechanisms of endogenous opioids in affect, motivation, and metabolism.

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Valeria Cavalli, PhD

Cellular, Molecular and Epigenetic control of axon regeneration

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Shantanu Chakrabartty, PhD

Exploring neuromorphic architectures using silicon and biological neurons; Novel self-powered neural recording systems

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Aisling Chaney, PhD

pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation, CNS immune responses, myeloid cell responses

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Tao Che

molecular mechanisms of opioid receptor signaling, nanobodies, X-ray, Cryo-EM, opioid receptor signaling

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Hong Chen, PhD

Combines biology, engineering, and medicine to develop ultrasound techniques for noninvasive, targeted, and personalized cancer treatment

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Shiming Chen, PhD

Gene expression regulation, transcription factors, epigenetic regulators, photoreceptor development and degeneration, mouse models, gene therapy

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Shiming Chen, PhD

Molecular mechanisms regulating photoreceptor gene expression in healthy and diseased retinas

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Yao Chen, PhD

Understanding the function of neuromodulators and sleep through the spatiotemporal dynamics of molecular signals

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Wayland W. L. Cheng, MD, PhD

I am interested in the structure and function of neuronal ligand-gated ion channels, and the mechanism of channel modulation by endogenous lipids or exogenous drugs such as general anesthetics.

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ShiNung Ching, PhD

The interface between systems and control engineering, neuroscience and neural medicine

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John R. Cirrito, PhD

Alzheimer’s disease, drug and target discovery, endocytosis, in vivo microdialysis, synaptic transmission

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Brian Clark, PhD

Analysis of the temporally regulated program of retinal cell type specification

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Jonathan Cooper, PhD

Batten Disease, Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, NCL, Lysosomal Storage Disease, pathogenesis, pre-clinical therapies, enzyme replacement, gene therapy

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Bryan Copits, PhD

Somatosensory circuit assembly and dynamics