Humans of Brown is an independent project that tells the stories of Brown School community members, founded by Rameez Ul Hassan. During Native American History Month in November 2017, the Buder Center partnered with Humans of Brown to share the personal and professional stories of Buder Center scholars, alumni, faculty and staff.

Jamie Bruner

Jamie Bruner

Muscogee Creek

Jen Van Schuyver

Jen Van Schuyver

Citizen Band Potawatomi

Julian Wahnee

Julian Wahnee


Krista Catron

Krista Catron

Prairie Band Potawatomi

Krystian Sisson

Krystian Sisson

Muscogee Creek

Kyla Woodard

Kyla Woodard

Oglala Sioux

Miquela Ibrao

Miquela Ibrao

Laguna Pueblo

Sierra Ayres

Sierra Ayres

Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Lake Superior Band Ojibwe

Simona Charles

Simona Charles
