The COP plenary room

Delegates (from left) Maya Dutta, Jeremy Wojtak, and Alicia Zhang

From left: Beth Martin, Marissa Lerner, Emma Waltman, Katie Balfany, Noah Adelstein

“At COP, each morning begins (or on early days, continues) with the RINGO constituency meeting. Many RINGO delegations like ours consist of undergraduate or graduate students who attend COP as observers to research the progression of certain agenda items and/or the fate of draft negotiating text…There are universities in the constituency from all over the world. It really is incredible to be among ambitious youth like ourselves as we all scramble to navigate our way through the complex world of international climate negotiations.” – Emma Waltman, Washington University delegate

I got to watch these two incredible women – Sarah Baashan from Saudi Arabia and Jo Tyndall from New Zealand – lead a UNFCCC body yesterday with such poise, strength, brilliance, AND a sense of humor.” – Katie Balfany, student delegate

On my last day at COP 24, I got to watch as two major platforms – Gender, and Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples – were advanced… Each of the facilitators impressively guided and encouraged discussion, and I’m looking forward to seeing the texts that come out of these (somewhat arduous) meetings – especially since it is text that will set into motion hugely positive change for women, indigenous peoples, and our collective climate action.” – Katie Balfany, student delegate

I had a fantastic time exploring the Action Hub at COP 24 Katowice Tuesday. At the “Future of Food in the Face of Climate Change” event, there was a full crowd, and an open and lively debate ensued with perspectives from farmers, wholesalers, consumers, and citizens. Later in the afternoon, “Voluntary Climate Action at a National Level” featured experts from HuellaChile, a Peru initiative, and a Costa Rican program, all three part of the Ministry of the Environment in their respective nations… Both will need to be considered (and stakeholders consulted) as the “rulebook” emerges.” – Marissa Lerner, student delegate

“Today, I got to hear a panel with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Indigenous leader Hindu Ibrahim moderated by COP President Michał Kurtyka. Schwarzenegger spoke about disaster prevention, California, and his views on climate change. It was exciting to see such an iconic figure. I could tell that he got those around him more excited, and was funny when he made Terminator references in relation to fighting climate change.” – Noah Adelstein, student delegate

Yesterday, I was privileged to deliver the statement on behalf of the Research and Independent NGOs at the opening session. “RINGO… acts to foster an open, transparent, and evidence-based UNFCCC process that welcomes diverse perspectives… and can play a key role in the dialogue between practitioners, scientists, and policymakers.” Full remarks are on the RINGO website –” – Beth Martin, Co-Focal Point of the RINGO Constituency and Leader of the Wash U Delegation