COP26 was scheduled to be held in Glasgow, Scotland in November of 2020. Because the COVID-19 pandemic postponed the in-person meetings of the conference, the WashU student delegation, along with the rest of the world, was only able to engage in the conference virtually. The students participating in this delegation were:

  • Sophia Dossin; Majors in Finance and Economics & Strategy, Olin School of Business, 2021
  • Lulu Feldman; Major in Environmental Policy, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Shayna Finkelstein
  • Jane Hrinya; Major in Environmental Policy, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Remy Hutheesing; Major in Environmental Policy, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Nichols Jarvis; Majors in International Area Studies and Chinese, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Preethi Kesavan; School of Medicine, Graduate Student
  • Jess King; Major in English Literature, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Kunsang Lama; Majors in Environmental Studies and Anthropology in Global Health, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Elizabeth Phelan; Majors in International Area Studies and Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Kathryn Porter; Major in Political Science, School of Arts & Sciences, 2022
  • Ellery Saluck; Major in International Area Studies, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Tristan Senkowski; Major in Economics, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Oliver Smith
  • Jesse Strod; Major in Environmental Policy, School of Arts & Sciences, 2021
  • Genna Torgan; Major in Fashion Design, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, 2021