Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Economics
Seigle Hall 307
St. Louis, MO 63130
Phone: (314) 935-4942
Email: j.weinstein@wustl.edu
Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005
A.B., Mathematics, Harvard University, 1998
Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Economics:
Professor, August 2018 to present
Associate Professor, August 2013 to July 2018
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences:
Associate Professor, August 2009 to July 2013
Assistant Professor, July 2006 to July 2009
Donald P. Jacobs Scholar, August 2005 to July 2006
Institute for Advanced Study, Member, September 2008 to June 2009
“Direct Complementarity” (also, slides presented in April 2020)
“Bayesian Inference Tempered by Classical Hypothesis Testing”.
“Best-Reply Sets,” Economic Theory Bulletin, April 2020.
“Uncertain Rationality, Depth of Reasoning and Robustness in Games with Incomplete Information,” with Fabrizio Germano and Peio Zuazo-Garin (Theoretical Economics, January 2020)
“Interim Correlated Rationalizability in Infinite Games,” with Muhamet Yildiz (Journal of Mathematical Economics, October 2017)
“The Effect of Changes in Risk Attitude on Strategic Behavior” (Econometrica, September 2016)
“Reputation without Commitment”, with Muhamet Yildiz (Theoretical Economics, January 2016)
“A Bayesian Model of Risk and Uncertainty,” with Nabil Al-Najjar, Theory and Decision, 78 (2015), 1-22.
“Robust Predictions in Infinite-horizon Games–An Unrefinable Folk Theorem,” with Muhamet Yildiz, Review of Economic Studies, 80 (2013), 365-394.
“Two Notes on the Blotto Game,” B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics — Contributions, 12 (2012), Issue 1.
“Sensitivity of Equilibrium Behavior to Higher-Order Beliefs in Nice Games,” with Muhamet Yildiz, Games and Economic Behavior, 72 (2011), 288-300.
“Testing Theories with Learnable and Predictive Representations,” with Nabil Al-Najjar, Alvaro Sandroni, and Rann Smorodinsky, Journal of Economic Theory, 145 (2010), 2203-17.
“Price Dispersion and Loss Leaders,” with Attila Ambrus, Theoretical Economics, 3 (2008), 525-537.
“Comparative Testing of Experts,” with Nabil Al-Najjar, Econometrica, 76 (2008), 541-559.
“A Structure Theorem for Rationalizability with Application to Robust Prediction of Refinements,” with Muhamet Yildiz, Econometrica, 75 (2007), 365-400.
“Impact of Higher-Order Uncertainty,” with Muhamet Yildiz, Games and Economic Behavior, 60 (2007), 200-212.
See full cv for shorter publications.
“Nash Equilibrium,” with John Nachbar, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 63 (2015), 494-496.
“Fairness and Tax Policy: a response to Mankiw’s proposed ‘Just Deserts’,” Eastern Economic Journal, 37 (2011), 313-320.
“The Ambiguity Aversion Literature: A Critical Assessment,” with Nabil Al-Najjar, and “Rejoinder” to same, Economics and Philosophy, 25 (2009), 249–284 and 357-369.
Economic Theory Seminar, UNC-Chapel Hill, October 2017
Game and Economic Behavior workshop in honor of Ehud Kalai, Summer 2017
Econometric Society meetings, St. Louis, Summer 2017
Econometric Society meetings, Philadelphia, Summer 2016
Economic theory seminar, Iowa State University, Spring 2016
Econometric Society World Congress, Summer 2015
Economic theory seminar, University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2015
NBER GE conference, Fall 2014
Stony Brook International Game Theory Festival, Summer 2014 (plenary session)
Economic theory seminar, Arizona State University, Spring 2014
ASSA Meetings, Philadelphia, Winter 2014
Economic theory seminar, The Ohio State University, Fall 2013
Fall 2012: Seminars at Duke, University of Pennsylvania, Paris School of Economics, Boston
College, Washington University, University of Michigan
Game theory world congress, Istanbul, Summer 2012 (semi-plenary talk)
Econometric Society meetings, Summer 2012
Economic theory seminar, University of California, Los Angeles, Winter 2012
ASSA Meetings, Chicago, Winter 2012
Northwestern University, CMS-EMS Bag Lunch Series, Fall 2011
Workshop in Computer Science and Economic Theory, Northwestern, Fall 2011
International conference on game theory, Stony Brook, Summer 2011
Economic theory seminar, University of Montreal, Fall 2010
Northwestern University, CMS-EMS Bag Lunch Series, Fall 2010
Economic theory seminar, Transatlantic Theory conference, Oxford, Fall 2010
Economic theory seminar, University of British Columbia, Spring 2010
Northwestern University, MEDS Lunch, Fall 2009
Economic theory seminar, University of Toronto, Fall 2009
Economic theory seminar, University of Iowa, Fall 2009
EEA-ESEM Meeting, Barcelona, Summer 2009
Economic theory seminar, London School of Economics, Spring 2009
Economic theory seminar, University College-London, Spring 2009
Economic theory seminar, NYU, Spring 2009
Economic theory seminar, Rutgers, Spring 2009
Economic theory seminar, Columbia, Spring 2009
Economic theory seminar, Stanford, Fall 2008
Economic theory seminar, Washington University, Fall 2008
Economic theory seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2008
Game theory world congress, Evanston, Summer 2008
Economic theory seminar, Princeton, Spring 2008
Economic theory seminar, Yale, Fall 2007
Economic theory seminar, University of Chicago, Fall 2007
Econometric society meetings, Duke University, Summer 2007
MIT-Harvard economic theory seminar, Spring 2007
Northwestern University, CMS-EMS Bag Lunch Series, Spring 2007
International conference on game theory, Stony Brook, Summer 2006
Northwestern University, CMS-EMS Bag Lunch Series, Fall 2005
Winter 2005: Job seminars at Harvard, Stanford, Caltech, Berkeley, Northwestern, University of Chicago
Econometric society meetings, Evanston, Summer 2003
Referee for Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Games & Economic Behavior, Theoretical Economics, Berkeley electronic journal in economic theory, Economic Inquiry, Review of Economic Design, International Journal of Game Theory