We are looking to expand our lab! If you are interested in our science and would like to join our lab, please check out our Positions page or contact Dr. Richards.

Linda Richards, AO, FAA, FAHMS, PhD

Linda Richards, AO, FAA, FAHMS, PhD

Edison Professor and Chair, Department of Neuroscience Director, McDonnell Center for Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology

Professor Linda Richards joined Washington University in St. Louis as the Chair of the Department of Neuroscience and the Edison Professor of Neurobiology on January 1, 2021. The research in her lab focuses on how the brain becomes wired during development. Particular emphasis is on the corpus callosum, specifically with regards to the development, plasticity, and function of the long-range connections of the cerebral cortex.

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Suranjana Pal, PhD

Suranjana Pal, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Suranjana’s research will focus on investigating genetic and activity-dependent mechanisms regulating cortical development in the mouse and fat-tailed dunnart.

Click here to learn more about her!

Lynda Wilmott, PhD

Lynda Wilmott, PhD

Lab Manager/Staff Scientist

Lynda’s research utilizes fat-tailed dunnarts to investigate activity-dependent mechanisms regulating cortical development and will examine all aspects of their behavior.

Click here to learn more about her!