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Suhailah Ali, MPhil

Suhailah Ali, MPhil

Years in the Richards Lab: 2016

Current Position: PhD Student at the School of Public Health, University of Queensland; Research Officer at the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research

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Anaika Bedi

Anaika Bedi

Undergraduate Student

Anaika is an undergraduate researcher who is interested in learning more about cortical development in the cerebral cortex in mice and the fat-tailed dunnart marsupial.
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Tobias Bluett, BSc (Hons), MPhil

Tobias Bluett, BSc (Hons), MPhil

Years in the Richards Lab:  2017-2020

Current Position:  PhD Student at The University of Queensland, Queensland Brain Institute

Jens Bunt, PhD

Jens Bunt, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2011-2020

Current Position: Senior Researcher/Deputy Group Leader at the Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology

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Kok Siong Chen, PhD

Kok Siong Chen, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2014-2019

Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Stem Cell and Translational Immunotheraphy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

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Laura R Fenlon, PhD

Laura R Fenlon, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2012-2020

Current Position: Group Leader and NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow at the School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland.

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Rubén García-Reyes, B.SS.

Rubén García-Reyes, B.SS.

Years in the Richards Lab: 2022

Current Position: Graduate Student at Washington University in St. Louis

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Elizabeth "Lizzy" Haines

Elizabeth “Lizzy” Haines

Years in the Richards Lab: 2017-2021

Current Position:  PhD Candidate in the Suarez and Fenlon Lab at The University of Queensland

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Zorana Lynton, B.Sc.

Zorana Lynton, B.Sc.

Years in the Richards Lab: 2019-2021

Current position: MD/PhD Candidate at the Queensland Brain Institute, School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Queensland

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Lisa Mackenzie, MMH

Lisa Mackenzie, MMH

Study Coordinator

Lisa’s field of interest is in medical research, particularly the psychological impact of disease or disorder. She is the lab’s clinical research coordinator based in Australia.

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Laura Morcom, BSc Hons, PhD

Laura Morcom, BSc Hons, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2011-2020

Current Position: Research Associate in the Department of Paediatrics, Wellcome-MRC Stem Cell Institute, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Celine Plachez, PhD

Celine Plachez, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2001-2006

Current Position: Lead Research Scientist at the University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Medicine.

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Asheeta Prasad, PhD

Asheeta Prasad, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2004

Current Position: Group Leader at the University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health.

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Wei-Ben Shen, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2000-2005

Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

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Tony Tianzhi Shubart, PhD

Tony Tianzhi Shubart, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 1997-2002

Current Position: Owner of Tishu Gallery

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Rodrigo Suarez, PhD

Rodrigo Suarez, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2011-2021

Current Position: Senior Lecturer at the  School of Biomedical Sciences and Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland

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Divya Unni, PhD

Divya Unni, PhD

Years in the Richards Lab: 2005-2010

Current Position: Project Manager at Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.

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Habby Wang, MS

Habby Wang, MS

Habby is a rotating graduate student in the Richards Lab this fall (2023). Her research project focuses on using fat-tailed dunnarts to investigate cortical circuit development through histological analysis.

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Yunan Ye, Bachelor Biomedical Science, Class I Honours

Yunan Ye, Bachelor Biomedical Science, Class I Honours

Years in the Richards Lab: 2016-2019

Current Position: PhD Candidate, UQ Centre for Clinical Research, Faculty of Medicine

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