Those who have lived experience with Corpus Callosum Dysgenesis have shared their experiences in different ways online.

I’ve always struggled with the in-between. The transitions in my life have always been rocky, and it wasn’t until I discovered the hole in my brain that the reason for this became glaringly obvious.

Read more of Jade’s story on The Mighty.

“The mysterious corpus callosum”, an episode of All In The Mind on ABC Radio National, aired in May 2016 with guests Prof. Linda Richards, Maree Maxfield, and Abbie Kinniburgh. The episode can be listened to below, or on the ABC Radio National website.

The mysterious corpus callosum, All In The Mind on ABC Radio National with guests Prof. Linda Richards, Maree Maxfield, and Abbie Kinniburgh.

AusDoCC Vice President, Michael Shanahan, recently gave a TEDx talk about Corpus Callosum Disorders.

Michael Shanahan shares about his experience with Corpus Callosum Dysgenesis at TEDx QUT 2021.

Michael also has an active YouTube channel, The Brain Network, which includes a number of conversations with individuals and experts who have lived experience with Corpus Callosum Dysgenesis.

AusDoCC has a YouTube channel with many videos of individuals who have lived experience. You can check it out and subscribe by searching “AusDoCC Videos” on YouTube or visiting their YouTube channel.