About our Research
The corpus callosum is the largest interhemispheric connection in the brain of placental mammals. The corpus callosum forms during prenatal life; in humans this occurs between 12-20 weeks gestation. To understand the development and function of the corpus callosum, we study corpus callosum dysgenesis (CCD), investigating the causes of these disorders, how the brain’s circuitry is altered in CCD and how these changes might affect cognition. We are also studying the development of circuits in the brain of a marsupial fat-tailed dunnart.
Recent Publications
Check out a recent publication:
Kozulin P, Suarez R, Zhao Q-Y, Paolino A, Richards LJ, & Fenlon LR. (2022). Divergent evolution of developmental timing in the neocortex revealed by marsupial and eutherian transcriptomes. Development.
Participate in Research
Corpus Callosum Dysgenesis (CCD) occurs in 1:4000 people and can result in profound changes in the structural architecture of brain connectivity due to long-range axonal plasticity that occurs during development. We are actively seeking participants with or without CCD.