I have developed a new method for generating single copy transgenes using Flp Recombinase-Mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE) to insert multi-kb sized DNA inserts at specific sites in the C. elegans genome (Nonet, 2020). In addition to the published approach, I’ve also developed a more rapid approach (rRMCE) which uses drug selection (NeoR, HygR or PuroR) and creates an insertion that is associated with a visible marker (myo-2p::FP, cup-4p::FP or mec-4p::FP). 


Nonet, M.L. Efficient transgenesis in C. elegans using Flp recombinase-mediated cassette exchange. Genetics 215: 902-921, 2020.

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Last edited by ML Nonet 8-3-2023