The Shen, Sternberg and Chi labs introduced the first bipartite reporter systems in C. elegans establishing the first functional QF/QUAS, Gal4/UAS, an rtetR/tetO systems in worms [1-3].  I have now assembled and tested some additional tools to complement and extend their pioneering studies [4, 5].  Specifically, I have assembled and tested the functionality in single copy of a 1) QF2 driver for the QUAS system that is much smaller in size than QF, 2) an improved codon optimized Gal4-QF driver that works in single copy, 3) a novel LexA-QF driver/lexO system that functions well, and 4) a tet-OFF tetR-QF driver that complements the previously described rtetR tet-ON system.  In addition, I quantified expression the driver systems integrated in single copy and compared them to an integrated direct promoter GFP-C1 fusion.

Many reporter and driver plasmids constructs are available along with numerous worm strains that can be used to test new reporters and drivers.  


1. Wei, X., Potter, C. J., Luo, L. & Shen, K. Controlling gene expression with the Q repressible binary expression system in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat Methods 9, 391-395 (2012).

2. Wang, H. et al. cGAL, a temperature-robust GAL4-UAS system for Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat Methods 14, 145-148 (2017).

3. Mao, S. et al. A Tet/Q Hybrid System for Robust and Versatile Control of Transgene Expression in C. elegans. iScience 11, 224-237 (2019).

4. Nonet, M. L. Efficient transgenesis in C. elegans using Flp recombinase mediated cassette exchange. Genetics 215, 902-921, (2020).

5. Nonet, M. L. Additional Landing Sites for Recombination-Mediated Cassette Exchange in C. elegans. microPublications Biology, 10.17912/micropub.biology.000503.

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last updated 8-3-2023