Bruce Carlson, Biology – “Novel technologies for studying animal communication and its neural correlates”
Roselyne Chauvin, Neurology & Yo-El Ju, Neurology – “The impact of sleep efficiency on motor control circuit plasticity”
Javier de Lucas, Physical Therapy & Jacob McPherson, Physical Therapy, Anesthesiology – “Parvalbumin interneurons and retinoic acid signaling in spinal cord injury-related neuropathic pain”
Davide Gheza, Psychological & Brain Sciences – “Decoding the representational content of neural signals of multidimensional conflict”
Khairunisa Ibrahim, Anesthesiology – “Role of the medial septum-dorsal hippocampal pathway in opioid-seeking behavior”
Athanasia Metoki, Neurology & Nico Dosenbach, Neurology – “Pubertal influences on neurobiological mechanisms of depression in adolescence”
Kyle Parker, Anesthesiology – “Determining the role of midbrain nociceptinergic neural circuitry in neuropathic injury-induced loss of motivation”
Linda Richards, Neuroscience – “Information processing in corpus callosum dysgenesis”
Gaia Tavoni, Neuroscience – “Advancing theories of optimal coding in sensory systems”
Mitsukuni Yoshida, Anesthesiology – “Functional brain mapping to unravel the neuronal circuit underlying aging and longevity”
John Bilbily, Psychiatry – “Determining the effect of electroconvulsive therapy on global GABA interneurons populations” Abstract
Runnan Cao, Radiology – “Unraveling the neuronal circuits underlying face and object recognition” Abstract
Tom Franken, Neuroscience – “To determine how the brain identifies and discounts shadows to infer lightness”
Keith Hengen, Biology – “Disruptions in the operating system: A theory-driven approach to Autism Spectrum Disorder” Abstract
Daniel Kerschensteiner, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences – “Deciphering retinal function in humans: Exploring evolutionary and sex-based differences” Abstract
Alessandro Livi, Neuroscience – “Lights on the decision circuit: Two-photon imaging and optogenetic stimulation in mouse orbitofrontal cortex” Abstract
Brian Ruyle, Anesthesiology – “Investigation of peripheral mechanisms underlying opioid-induced respiratory depression” Abstract
Shuo Yang, Biomedical Engineering – “Depth-resolved fiber-optic neural interface: Unraveling the roles of superior colliculus layers in innate behaviors”
Shuyu (Iris) Zhu, Developmental Biology – “How does the brain process competing stimuli?” Abstract
Tyler Blazey, Radiology – “Functional brain imaging with hyperpolarized 13C MRI” Abstract
Amelia Christensen, Neuroscience – “Neural and behavioral foundations for the mechanistic study of psychedelics”
Jonathan Cooper, Pediatrics – “Interneuron network dysfunction and its contribution to epileptogenesis” Abstract
Jill Firszt & Jonathan Peelle, Otolaryngology – “Effects of single-sided deafness on the brain and behavioral outcomes in listeners with and without a cochlear implant” Abstract
Laura Hennefield, Psychiatry & Joan Luby, Child Psychiatry– “Is it age or is it adrenarche?: Puberty, hormones, and neural response to monetary and social reward in 7- and 8-year-old children” Abstract
Yanli (Jeff) Lin, Psychological and Brain Sciences – “Elucidating neural mechanisms of mindfulness: An intensive longitudinal sampling study” Abstract
Federica Lucantonio, Psychiatry – “Circuit and synaptic bases of allopregnanolone-mediated amelioration of anhedonia in chronically stressed mice” Abstract
Baranidharan Raman, Biomedical Engineering & Ian Duncan, Biology – “Investigating the spatiotemporal coding logic in an invertebrate olfactory system” Abstract
Matthew Singh, Electrical and Systems Engineering – “Individualized, model-based control of attentional networks using tES” Abstract
Tao Xie, Neurosurgery – “Dynamics and causal functions of amygdala-mediated fear extinction learning and recall in humans” Abstract
Wei Zhang, Radiology – “Inflammation and depression: Probing putative neural mechanisms” Abstract available upon request weiz@wustl.edu
Peter Brunner & Eric Leuthardt, Neurosurgery – “Neural mechanisms underlying transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation”
Ben Palanca, Anesthesiology – “Closed Loop Acoustic Stimulation during Sedation with Dexmedetomidine (CLASS-D)”
Zachariah Reagh & Wouter Kool, Psychological and Brain Sciences – “The construction and use of cognitive maps in goal-directed decision making”
Ismael Seáñez, Biomedical Engineering – “Neuromotor control and plasticity enabled by electrical spinal cord stimulation”
Aristeidis Sotiras, Janine Bijsterbosch, Radiology & Eric Lenze, Psychiatry – “Structure-function interactions in brain correlates of late life depression”
Edward Han, Neuroscience – “Hippocampal subnetworks encoding stable and dynamic information”
Mohammad Kafashan, Anesthesiology – “Sleep microstructure during electroconvulsive therapy: Synaptic plasticity in pathologic circuits?”
Laura McPherson, Physical Therapy – “Factors influencing the detection of accurate and reliable motor unit population recordings in human”
FY 2020
Denise Head, Psychological & Brain Sciences – “Sleep fragmentation and hippocampal-dependent spatial navigation processes in aging”
Tracey Hermanstyne, Developmental Biology – “Are daily rhythms in firing activity in SCN neurons required in regulating circadian rhythms?”
Chad Sylvester, Psychiatry – “Functional network dysfunction in individual children with anxiety disorders”
FY 2019
Ian Dobbins, Psychological & Brain Sciences – “Mapping the dynamics pupillometry onto functional brain networks during recognition”
Daniel Kerschensteiner, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences – “Organization and function of suppressed-by-contrast signals from the retina to the brain”
Jordan McCall, Anesthesiology – “Determining the impact of pain on locus coeruleus circuitry and motivated behaviors”
Jennifer Strahle, Neurosurgery – “Novel CSF flow imaging using gold nanoparticle-enhanced x-ray microtomography”
FY 2018
Geraldine Kress, Neurology – “Resetting the clock in Alzheimer’s Disease”
Timothy Holy, Neuroscience – “Vertical light sheet microscopy for deep-brain imaging”
Vitaly Klyachko, Cell Biology & Physiology – “Probing the role of GABA Receptors in abnormal circuit computations in fragile X syndrome”
FY 2017
Adam Bauer, Radiology – “Mapping glucose utilization in a mouse model of beta amyloidosis”
ShiNung Ching, Electrical & Systems Engineering – “Neural dynamics of threshold-based processing in sensory networks”
Luigi Maccotta, Neurology – “Neural correlates of memory training in epilepsy: the method of Loci”
Karen O’Malley, Neuroscience – “Risk-taking behaviors in humanized mice expressing dopamine receptor (DRD4) variants”
FY 2016
Deanna Greene, Psychiatry – “Preliminary investigation of motor and cognitive inhibition in the brain in children with Tourette syndrome”
Srikanth Singamaneni, Mechanical Engineering – “Neuroplasmonics: Selective control of neural activity using plasmonic nanoantennae”