Thank you from the leaders of the SPAN Study:
At the heart of any important research program are the people who are willing to share their priceless stories with the investigators. The data are only meaningful if the participants represent the full diversity of the population in question, and if those individuals are willing to trust the team and answer sincere questions openly and honestly. We are incredibly lucky to have found you – the participants in our study – and to know that you are willing to tell us in painstaking detail about many details of your fascinating lives. We will always be grateful for the trust that you have shown in us. Thank you for the time and energy that you have devoted to answering our questions and allowing us to collect biological samples, which are all crucial to the work that we are doing.
Tom Oltmanns & Ryan Bogdan

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Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
For Mental Health Resources in the St. Louis / Metro East area –
please visit our Mental Health Resources page.
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