“67As-67Se mirror pair spectroscopy,” K. T. Wiedemann, N. H. Medina, G. de Angelis, R. Orlandi, A. Bracco, M. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, F. Della Vedova, E. Farnea, A. Gadea, J. Greene, S. M. Lenzi, S. Leoni, C. J. Lister, S. Lunardi, N. M¼arginean, D. R. Napoli, B. S. Nara Singh, O. L. Pechenaya, W. Reviol, E. Sahin, D. G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, D. Tonev, C. A. Ur, J. J. Valiente-Dobón, R. Wadsworth, and S. Zhug, AIP Conf. Proc. .June 3, 2009 .Volume 1139, pp. 115-118.
The Structure of 92 Rh and its relevance to the two proton decay of the 21+ 94m2Ag,” D.G.Sarantites invited talk at the Nuclear Chemistry Gordon Conference, June 3-8, 2007, New London N.H.
“g-factor measurements of high spin state via recoil in vacuum using a spin alignment method,” C. J. Chiara, Poster at the Gordon Conference selected for presentation, June 3-8, 2007.
“In-beam spectroscopy in the actinide region using an evaporation residue detector,” W. Reviol, D.G. Sarantites , C. J. Chiara, M. Montero, and O. L. Pechenaya, Acta Phys. Pol. B, 38 1547 (2007).
“Linking transitions in the A≈80 region of superdeformation,” C. J. Chiara, D. G. Sarantites, M. Montero, J. O’Brien, W. Reviol, O. L. Pechenaya, R. M. Clark, P. Fallon, A. Görgen, A. O. Macchiavelli, D. Ward, W. Satuła, and Y. R. Shimizu, Phys. Scr. T125, 119 (2006).
“Lifetime measurements in N=Z 82Kr,” C. Andreoiu, C. E. Svensson, R. A. E. Austin, M. P. Carpenter, D. Dashdorj, P. Finlay, S. J. Freeman, P. E. Garrett, A. Görgen, J. Greene, G. F. Grinyer, B. Hyland, D. Jenkins, F. Johnston-Theasby, P. Joshi, A. O. Macchiavelli, F. Moore, G. Mukherjee, A. A. Phillips, W. Reviol, D. G. Sarantites, M. A. Schumaker, D. Seweryniak, M. B. Smith, J. J. Valiente-Dobón, and R. Wadsworth, Phys. Scr. T125, 127 (2006).
“Magnetic properties of smooth terminating dipole bands in 110,112Te,” A. O. Evans, E. S. Paul, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, C. J. Chiara, M. Devlin, A. M. Fletcher, D. B. Fossan, D. R. LaFosse, G. J. Lane, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, P. J. Nolan, D. G. Sarantites, J. M. Sears, A. T. Semple, J. F. Smith, K. Starosta, C. Vaman, I. Ragnarsson, and A. V. Afanasjev, Phys. Scr. T125, 192 (2006).
“Low-spin lifetime measurements in 74Kr,” J. J. Valiente-Dobón, C. E. Svensson, T. Steinhardt, A. V. Afanasjev, I. Ragnarsson, C. Andreoiu, R. A. E. Austin, M. P. Carpenter, D. Dashdorj, G. de Angelis, F. Dönau, J. Eberth, E. Farnea, S. J. Freeman, A. Gadea, P. E. Garrett, A. Görgen, G. F. Grinyer, B. Hyland, D. Jenkins, F. Johnston-Theasby, P. Joshi, A. Jungclaus, K. P. Lieb, A. O. Macchiavelli, F. Moore, G. Mukherjee, A. A. Phillips, C. Plettner, W. Reviol, D. Sarantites, H. Schnare, M. A. Schumaker, R. Schwengner, D. Seweryniak, M. B. Smith, I. Stefanescu, O. Thelen, and R. Wadsworth, AIP Conf. Proc. 831, 283 (2006).
“Discrete Linking Transitions For A Superdeformed Band In The A ≈ 80 Region,” C. J. Chiara, D. G. Sarantites, M. Montero, J. O’Brien, O. L. Pechenaya, W. Reviol, R. M. Clark, P. Fallon, A. Görgen, A. O. Macchiavelli, D. Ward, and W. Satuła, AIP Conference Proceedings — April 5, 2005 — Volume 764, Issue 1, pp. 40-45.
“Spectroscopy of light Lead and Actinide nuclei using an evaporation residue detector,” W. Reviol, D. G. Sarantites, R. J. Charity, C. J. Chiara, J. Elson, O. L. Pechenaya, S. K. Ryu, and L. G. Sobotka, in AIP Conference Proceedings — April 5, 2005 — Volume 764, Issue 1, p.354.
“Mirror Symmetry in 5327Co26 and 5326Fe27,” S.J. Williams, M.A. Bentley, J. Ekman, D.T. Joss, C.D. O’Leary, D.Rudolph, D.D. Warner, C. Andreiou, A.M. Bruce, J.A. Cameron, M.P. Carpenter, R.M. Clark, C. Fahlander, P. Fallon, L.Frankland, W. Gelletly, E. Ideguchi, C.J. Lister, A.O. Macchiavelli, G. Martinez-Pinedo, M.N. Mineva, A. Poves, P.H. Regan, P. Reiter, W. Reviol, B. Rubio, J. Sanchez-Solano, D.G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, C. Svensson, and S.M. Vincent, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 143. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_143.
“Liftimes and Band Terminations in 86Zr,” M. Wiedeking, S.L. Tabor, F. Christancho, M. Devlin, J. Doring, C.B. Jackson, G.D. Johns, R.A. Kaye, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, M. Naidu, D.G. Sarantites, and G.N. Solomon, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 142. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_142.
“Terminating Structures and Lifetime Measurements in 87Nb,” J. Pavan, S.L. Tabor, A.V. Afanasjev, C. Baktash, F. Christancho, M. Devlin, J. Doring, C.J. Gross, G.D. Johns, R.A. Kaye, D.R. LaFosse, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, D.G. Sarantites, and G.N. Solomon, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 127. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_127.
“High Spin States in 114Xe: Building a Bridge Between the Mass 110 and 130 Regions,” E.S. Paul, A.J. Boston, M.P. Carpenter, H.J. Chandler, C.J. Chiara, A.M. Fletcher, D.B. Fossan, R.V.F. Janssens, T. Koike, F.G. Kondev, D.R. LaFosse, J.J. Lisle, P.J. Nolan, P. Patel, W. Reviol, D.G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, J.F. Smith, K. Starosta, R. Wadsworth, A.N. Wilson, and I. Ragnarsson, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 126. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_126.
“Spectoscopy of the Proton-rich N=82 Isotones,” A. Gorgen, R.M. Clark, M. Cromaz, P. Fallon, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, D. Ward, D.G. Jenkins, R. Wadsworth, C.J. Chiara, W. Reviol, and D.G. Sarantites, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 92. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_92.
“Signature Inversion in Doubly Odd 124La,” H.J. Chantler, E.S. Paul, A.J. Boston, M.P. Carpenter, R. Charity, C.J. Chiara, P.T.W.Choy, C.N. Davids, M. Devlin, A.M. Fletcher, D.B. Fossan, D.G. Jenkins, N.S. Kelsall, T. Koike, D.R. LaFosse, P.J. Nolan, D.G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, J.F. Smith, K. Starosta, R. Wadsworth, and A.N. Wilson, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 81. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_81.
“High Spin States in 38Ar,” R.A.E. Austin, D.E. Appelbe, G.C. Ball, M.P. Carpenter, R.M. Clark, M. Cromaz, R.V.F. Janssens, A.O. Macchiavelli, D. Rudolph, D.G. Sarantites, C.E. Svensson, and J.C. Waddington, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 68. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_68.
“High Spin Studies of N~Z Nuclei in the Mass 70 Region,” N.S. Kelsall, C.E. Svensson, S. Fischer, D.E. Appelbe, R.A,E. Austin, D.P. Balamuth, G.C. Ball, J.A. Cameron, M.P. Carpenter, R.M. Clark, M. Cromaz, M.A. Deleplanque, R.M. Diamond, J.L. Durell, P. Falon, S.J. Freeman, P.A. Hausladen, G.F. Hodgson, R.V.F. Janssens, D.G. Jenkins, G.J. Lane, M.J. Leddy, C.J. Lister, A.O. Macchiavelli, C.D. O’Leary, D.G. Sarantites, F.S. Stephens, D.C. Schidt, D. Seweryniak, B.J. Varley, S. Vincent, K. Vetter, J.C. Waddington, R. Wadsworth, D. Ward, .N. Wilson, A.V. Afanasjev, S. Frauendorf, I. Ragnarsson, and R. Wyss, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 62. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_62.
“Superdeformed Bands in 80-83Sr, 82-84Y, and 83,84Zr: Transition Quadrupole Moments, Moments of Inertia, and Configuration Assignments,” W. Reviol, F. Lerma, D.G. Sarantites, M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, R. Wyss, C. Baktash, H.-Q. Jin, S.L. Tabor, D. Soltysik, R.M. Clark, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, and R.W. MacLeod, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 47. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_47.
“Shape Co-existence at the Outer Edges of Stability,” M.P. Carpenter, F.G. Kondef, R.V.F. Janssens, K. Abu Saleem, I. Ahmad, M. Alcorta, H. Amro, J. Caggiano, J.A. Cizewski, M. Danchev, C.N. Davids, D.J. Hartley, A. Heinz, B. Herskind, D.J. Jenkins, T.L. Khoo, T. Lauritsen, C.J. Lister, W.C. Ma, G.L. Poli, P. Reiter, J. Ressler, W. Reviol, L.L. Riedinger, D.G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, S. Siem, M.B. Smith, A.A. Sonzoni, P.G. Varmette and I. Wiedenhover, in “Frontiers of Nuclear Structure”July 29th-August 2nd, 2002, UC Berkeley CA, LBNL-50598, p. 6. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: > 2002LBNL_50598_6.
“High-Spin Spectroscopy Near 56Ni,” W. Reviol, D.G. Sarantites, R.J. Charity, E. Ideguchi, D. Rudolph, C. Andreoiu, J. Ekman, C. Fahlander, M.N. Mineva, M.A. Bentley, S.J. Williams, R.M. Clark, M. Cromaz, P. Fallon, A.O. Machiavelli, M.F. Carpenter, D. Seweryniak, and J. Dobaczewski, in “Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century,”International Physics Conference INPC 2001, Berkeley California, 2001, Amercan Institute of Physics AIP Conference Proceedings 610, p. 844
“Superdeformed Band in 61Zn,” C.-H. Yu, C. Baktash, J. Cameron, J. Eberth, D.S. Haslip, D.R. LaFosse, T. Lampman, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, S.D. Paul, D.C. Radford, D. Rudolph, D.G. Sarantites, C.E. Svensson, J.C. Waddington, J.C. Wells, and J.N. Wilson, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 155.
“Higly Deformed Rotational Bands in 65Zn,” C.-H. Yu, C. Baktash, J. Cameron, J. Eberth, D.S. Haslip, D.R. LaFosse, T. Lampman, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, S.D. Paul, D.C. Radford, D. Rudolph, D.G. Sarantites, C.E. Svensson, J.C. Waddington, J.C. Wells, and J.N. Wilson In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 154.
“Decay Out of the Doubly-Magic Suprdeformed Band in 60Zn,” C.E. Svensson for the GS-90 and GSFMA-9 Collaborations In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 130.
“Structure of 112I and πh11/2νh11/2 vs. N,” K. Starosta, C.J. Chiara, D.B. Fossan, D.R. LaFosse, G.J. Lane, J.M. Sears, J.F. Smith, A.J. Boston, E.S. Paul, M. Devlin, D.G. Sarantites, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, and S.G. Rohozinski, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 126.
“Smooth band termination in 112Te and 113I N = 60 isotones,” K. Starosta, C.J. Chiara, D.B. Fossan, D.R. LaFosse, G.J. Lane, J.M. Sears, J.F. Smith, A.J. Boston, E.S. Paul, M. Devlin, D.G. Sarantites, I.Y. Lee, and A.O. Macchiavelli, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 126.
“Spectroscopy of very neutron-deficient isotopes of xenon ,” J.F. Smith, C.J. Chiara, D.B. Fossan, G.J. Lane, J.M. Sears, M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, D.G. Sarantites, A.J. Boston, E.S. Paul, A.T. Semple, I.Y. Lee, and A.O. Macchiavelli, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 125.
“Enhanced Deformation in Light Pr Nuclei,” B.H. Smith, L.L. Riedinger, W. Reviol, W. Satula, N.P. Yoder, A. Gallindo-Uribarri, D.G. Sarantites, D.R. LaFosse, J.N. Wilson, and S.M. Mullins, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 124.
“Prompt proton decays and rotational bands in the A=60 region,” D. Rudolph, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, E. Caurier, M. Devlin, J. Dobaczewski, P.H. Heenen, H.-Q. Jin, D. R. LaFosse, W. Nazarewicz, F. Nowacki, A. Poves, L.L. Riedinger, D.G. Sarantites, W. Satula, and C.-H. Yu, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 112.
“High-spin shell-model states in the vicinity of doubly magic 56Ni,” D. Rudolph, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, M. Devlin, H.-Q. Jin, D. R. LaFosse, L.L. Riedinger, D.G. Sarantites, and C.-H. Yu, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 111.
“Second Minimum Structures in the A ~ 135 Region and Their Relative Quadrupole Deformations,” M.A. Riley, F.G. Kondev, R.W. Laird, J. Pfohl, T.B. Brown, D.J. Hartley, D.E. Archer, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, D.T. Joss, I.M. Hibbert, D.R. LaFosse, F. Lerma, P.J. Nolan, N. O’Brien, E.S. Paul, D.G. Sarantites, R. Sheline, S. Sheppard, J. Simpson, R. Wadsworth, M. Matev, W. Nazarewicz, and W. Satula, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 110.
“Band Structure in 79Y and Question of T = 0 pairing,” S.D. Paul, C. Baktash, W. Satula, C.J. Gross, I. Birriel, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, A. Gallindo-Uribarri, T. Ginter, D.R. LaFosse, F. Lerma, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Machiavelli, B. Mcdonald, A. Piechaczek, D.C. Radford, W. Reviol, L. Riedinger, D. Rudolph, K. Rykaczewski, D.G. Sarantites, J.X. Saladin, D. Shapira, G.N. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, K. Toth, W. Weintraub, D.F. Winchell, V.Q. Wood, and C.-H. Yu, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 101.
“Rotational Bands in 63Zn,” S.D. Paul, C. Baktash, J. Cameron, J. Eberth, D.S. Haslip, D.R. LaFosse, T. Lampman, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Machiavelli, D.C. Radford, D. Rudolph, D.G. Sarantites, C.E. Svensson, J.C. Waddington, J.C. Wells, J.N. Wilson, and C.-H. Yu, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 100.
“Deformed Rotational Bands in 62Cu,” E.S. Paul, C. Baktash, J. Cameron, J. Eberth, D.S. Haslip, D.R. LaFosse, T. Lampman, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Machiavelli, C.-H. Yu, D.C. Radford, D. Rudolph, D.G. Sarantites, C.E. Svensson, J.C. Waddington, J.C. Wells, and J.N. Wilson, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 99.
“Comparative Transition Quadrupole Moments of SD bands in A ~ 80 Nuclei,” F. Lerma, M. Devlin, D.G. Sarantites, D.R. LaFosse, R.M. Clark, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, S.L. Tabor, D. Soltysik, and C. Baktash, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 77.
“Collective Structures in 107Sb,” D.R. LaFosse, V.J. Chiara, D.B. Fossan, G.J. Lane, J.M. Sears, J.F. Smith, K. Starosta, A.J. Boston, E.S. Paul, A.T. Semple, M. Devlin, D.G. Sarantites, I-Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, A.V. Afanasjev, and I. Ragnarsson, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 70.
“Superdeformation in 68Zn: evidence for a new, neutron-rich island of superdeformation in A ~ 70 nuclei,” M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, F. Lerma, D.G. Sarantites, D. Rudolph, P.G. Thirolf, R.M. Clark, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, R.W. MacLeod, A.V. Afanasjev, and I. Ragnarsson, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 26.
“Superdeformation at A ~ 90, N~Z: 88Mo and 89Tc,” B. Cederwall, T. Back, J. Cederkall, A. Johnson, R. Wyss, M. Devlin, J. Elson, D.R. LaFosse, F. Lerma, D.G. Sarantites, R.M. Clark, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, R.W. MacLeod, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 14.
“High spin spectroscopy of the neutron deficient 110Te nucleus,” A.J. Boston, E.S. Paul, C.J. Chiara, M. Devlin, D.B. Fossan, D.R. LaFosse, G.J. Lane, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, P.J. Nolan, D.G. Sarantites, J.M. Sears, A.T. Semple, J.F. Smith, A.V. Afanasjev, and I. Ragnarsson, In Nuclear Structure ’98, Aug. 10-15, 1998 Gatlingburg, Tennessee, p. 11.
“Highly Deformed Structures in the Mass ~130 Region and Their Relative Quadrupole Moments,” F. G. Kondev, RM. A. Riley, E. S. Paul, T. B. Brown, R. M. Clark, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, D. J. Hartley, I. M. Hibbert, D. T. Joss, D. R. LaFosse, R.W. Laird, F. Lerma, M. Lively, P. J. Nolan, N. J. O’Brien, J. Pfohl, D. G. Sarantites, R. K. Sheline, S. L. Shepherd, J. Simpson, and R. Wadsworth, AIP, New York, 1999) in the Proceedings of the Conference “Nuclear Structure 1998,”Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1998, AIP Conf. Proc. No. 481, p. 383. To download a *.pdf copy of the actual paper click here: 1998AIP_481_383.pdf
“Smooth Band Termination in the Mass A=110 Region,” D.R. LaFosse, A.J. Boston, C.J. Chiara, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, D.B. Fossan, G.J. Lane, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, E.S. Paul, D.G. Sarantites, J.M. Sears, A.T. Semple, J.F. Smith, K. Starosta, R. Wadsworth, A.V. Afanasjev, and I. Ragnarsson, AIP, New York, 1999) in the Proceedings of the Conference “Nuclear Structure 1998,”Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1998, AIP Conf. Proc. No. 481, p. 358. To download a *.pdf copy of the actual paper click : 1998AIP_481_358.pdf<here.
“Comparative lifetime measurements of superdeformed bands in A~ 80 nuclei,” F. Lerma, M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, D.G. Sarantites, R.M. Clark, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, R.W. MacLeod, S.L. Tabor, D. Soltysik, and C. Baktash,
(AIP, New York, 1999) in the Proceedings of the Conference “Nuclear Structure 1998,”Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1998, AIP Conf. Proc. No. 481, p. 353. To download a *.pdf copy of the actual paper click here>1998AIP_481_353.pdf.
“Band Structure in 79Y and the Question of T=0 pairing,” S.D. Paul, C. Baktash, W. Satula, C.J. Gross, I. Birriel, R.M. Clark, R.A. Cunningham, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, A. Galindo-Uribarri, T. Ginter, D.R. LaFosse, J. Kay, F. Lerma, I.Y. Lee, C. Leyland, A.O. Macchiavelli, B.D. MacDonald, S.J. Metcalfe, A. Pichaczek, D.C. Radford, W. Reviol, L.L. Riedinger, D. Rudolph, K. Rykaczewski, D.G. Sarantites, J.X. Saladin, D. Shapira, G.N. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, K.S. Toth, W. Weintraub, D.F. Winchell, V.Q. Wood, R. Wyss, and C.H. Yu, (AIP, New York, 1999) in the Proceedings of the Conference “Nuclear Structure 1998,”Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1998, AIP Conf. Proc. No. 481, p. 168. To download a *.pdf copy of the actual paper click here>1998AIP_481_168.pdf.
“Search for Hyperdeformation in 146,147Gd,” D.R. LaFosse, D.G. Sarantites, M. Devlin, F. Lerma, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, C.J. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, D. Rudolph, D.W. Stracener, C.-H. Yu, S. Asztalos, R.M. Clark, P. Fallon, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, R.W. MacLeod, and B. Cederwall, Proceeding of the Workshop on Gammasphere Physics, Dec. 1-2, 1996, World Scientific, 1996, p. 35.
“Search for Linking Transitions in 143Eu,” F. Lerma, S.J. Asztalos, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, D.R. LaFosse, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, R.W. MacLeod, D. Rudolph, and D.G. Sarantites, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 25. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: ANL/PHY-96-25.
“The Microball and Gammasphere: Research Highlights and Future Promise,” M. Devlin, D.G. Sarantites, D.R. LaFosse, and F. Lerma, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 160. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: ANL/PHY-96-160.
“Results from Gammasphere in the A ~ 80 Mass Region ”, D. Rudolph, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, C.J. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, W. Satula, C.H. Yu, M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, D.G. Sarantites, G.Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, I. Birriel, J.X. Saladin, V. Wood, I.Y. Lee, and A.O. Macchiavelli, Z. Phys. (in press 1996).
“Superdeformed Bands in 80Sr,” M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, C. Baktash, I. Birriel, M.J. Brinkman, H.-Q. Jin, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, D. Rudolph, J.X. Saladin, D.G. Sarantites, G. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, D.F. Winchell, V.Q. Wood and C.-H. Yu, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 9. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: ANL/PHY-96-09.
“Twinned Identical Superdeformed Bands in the A ~ 80 Region: A Further Probe of Nuclear Deformation,” H.-Q. Jin, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, C.J. Gross, D. Rudolph, C.-H. Yu, I. Birriel, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, D.R. LaFosse, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, J.X. Saladin, D.G. Sarantites, G. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, T. Werner, and V.Q. Wood, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 18.
“Multiple Superdeformed Bands in Sm Isotopes: Transition from Large Deformation to Superdeformation,” H.-Q. Jin, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, D. Rudolph, C.-H. Yu, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, D.R. LaFosse, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, and D.G. Sarantites, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 19.
“Second Well Spectroscopy of 87Nb ”, D.R. LaFosse, Y. A. Akovali, C. Baktash, M. Devlin, J. Döring, C.J. Gross, G.D. Johns, F. Lerma, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, D. Rudolph, D.G. Sarantites , D.W. Stracener, S.L. Tabor, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 23.
“New Structures in the A = 135 Superdeformed Region Near Z = 61,” J. Pfohl, M.A. Riley, D.G. Sarantites, D. R. LaFosse, M. Devlin, D.E. Archer, P. Fallon, D.T. Jones, P.J. Nolan, N. O’Brien, E.S. Paul, R. Sheline, J. Simpson, and R. Wadsworth, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 38.
“Forking and Unusual Decay out of Superdeformed Bands in 83Zr,” D. Rudolph, C. Baktash, I. Birriel, M. Devlin, H.-Q. Jin, D.R. LaFosse, F. Lerma, J.X. Saladin, D.G. Sarantites, G. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, D.F. Winchell, V. Wood and C.-H. Yu, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 41.
“Investigation into the Population Mechanism of Superdeformed Bands: A study of 145Tb,” J.N. Wilson, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, S. Flibotte, G. Gervais, G. Hackman, D.R. LaFosse, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, R.W. MacLeod, S.M. Mullins, J. Nieman, D.G. Sarantites, and J.C. Waddington, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 51.
“Lifetime Measurements of Deformed and Superdeformed States in 82Sr,” C.-H. Yu, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, C.J. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, D. Rudolph, I. Birriel, R.M. Clark, M. Devlin, P. Fallon, D.R. LaFosse, I.Y. Lee, F. Lerma, A.O. Macchiavelli, J.X. Saladin, D.G. Sarantites, G. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, J.C. Wells, D.F. Winchell, V. Wood, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 54.
“Fully Aligned High-Spin States in 86Zr,” J. Döring, G.D. Johns, G.N. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, C.J. Gross, C. Baktash, Y. A. Akovali, D.W. Stracener, F.E. Durham, D.G. Sarantites, M. Korolija, P.F. Hua, D.R. LaFosse, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, W. Rathbun, A. Vander Mollen, A. Afanasjev, I. Ragnarsson, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 73.
“Systematics of Even-Even TZ = 1 Nuclei in the A=80 Region: High-Spin Rotational Bands in 74Kr,78Sr,82Zr, and 86 Mo,” D. Rudolph, C. Baktash, I. Birriel, M. Devlin, C.J. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, D.R. LaFosse, F. Lerma, J.X. Saladin, D.G. Sarantites, W. Satula, G. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, D.F. Winchell, V. Wood and C.-H. Yu, In Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, July 22-26, (1996) ANL/PHY-96/1, p. 98.
“Band Crossing Phenomena in the TZ = 1 Nuclei 78Sr, 82Zr, and 86Mo,” D. Rudolph, C. Baktash, C.J. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, C.-H. Yu, M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, D.G. Sarantites, J. Döring, G. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, I. Birriel, J.X. Saladin, V. Wood, I.Y. Lee, and A.O. Macchiavelli, Verhandl, DPG (VI) 31, 994 (1996).
“Systematics of Superdeformed Bands in the A ~ 80 Nuclei,” C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, C.J. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, D. Rudolph, C.-H. Yu, M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, D.G. Sarantites, G. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, I. Birriel, J.X. Saladin, V. Wood, I.Y. Lee, and A.O. Macchiavelli, Verhandl, DPG (VI) 31, 1046 (1996).
“Search for Hyperdeformation in 146,147Gd,” D.R. LaFosse, D.G. Sarantites, M. Devlin, F. Lerma, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkman, C.J. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, D. Rudolph, D.W. Stracener, C.-H. Yu, S. Asztalos, R.M. Clark, P. Fallon, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, R,W. Macleod, and B. Cederwall, in Proceedings of the Workshop on “Gammasphere Physics ,”World Scientific, 1-2 December 1995, p. 35. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here > 1995WSci_35.
“New Island of Superdeformation in the A=80 Region,” C. Baktash, D.M. Cullen, J.D. Garrett, C.J. Gross, N.R. Johnson, W. Nazarewicz, D.G. Sarantites, J. Simpson, and T. Werner, In Conference on Physics from Large g-ray Detector Arrays,, August 2-6, (1994) LBL-35687, Conf-940888, p. 1. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1994LBL_35687_1.
“Band Termination in 82Sr,” D.M. Cullen, C. Baktash, J.D. Garrett, C.J. Gross, N.R. Johnson, J. Simpson, and D.G. Sarantites, In Conference on Physics from Large g-ray Detector Arrays,, August 2-6, (1994) LBL-35687, Conf-940888, p. 44. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1994LBL_35687_44.
“Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Using Deep-Inelastic Reactions,” I.Y. Lee, J.A. Becker, B. Cederwall, M.-A. Deleplanque, R.M. Diamond, P. Fallon, P.F. Hua, A. O. Macchiavelli, J.X. Saladin, D.G. Sarantites, F.S. Stephens, G.J. Wozniak, and C.H. Yu, In Conference on Physics from Large g-ray Detector Arrays,, August 2-6, (1994) LBL-35687, Conf-940888, p. 113. To download a *.pdf copy of the above paper click here: 1994LBL_35687_113.
“First Results with the Microball and Gammasphere,” D.G. Sarantites, P.-F. Hua, D.R. LaFosse, M. Korolija, J. Elson, J.T. Hood, C.Baktash, C. Gross, H.-Q. Jin, D.W. Stracener, I.Y. Lee, A. Macchiavelli, B. Cederwall, P. Fallon, W. Rathbun, and A. Vandermollen, In Conference on Physics from Large g-ray Detector Arrays,, August 2-6, (1994) LBL-35687, Conf-940888, p. 129. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1994LBL_35687_129.
“Collective versus single-particle excitation in 86Nb,” S.L. Tabor, J. Döring, G.D. Johns, C.J. Gross, C. Baktash, Y.A. Akovali, D.W. Stracener, F.E. Durham, D.G. Sarantites, M. Korolija, P.-F. Hua, D.R. LaFosse, A. Macchiavelli, I.Y. Lee, W. Rathbun, and A. Vandermollen, In Conference on Physics from Large g-ray Detector Arrays,, August 2-6, (1994) LBL-35687, Conf-940888, p. 130. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1994LBL_35687_130.
“Identification of Excited States in the TZ=1/2 Nucleus 75Rb,” C.J. Gross, C. BakRoman, D.M. Cullen, J.D. Garrett, R.A. Cunningham, J. Simpson, D.D. Warner, B.J. Varley, D. Rudolph, A. Harder, M.K. Kobadiysky, K.P. Lieb, O. Skeppstedt, H.A. Roth, W. Gelletly, D.J. Sarantites, C.J. Lister, and J.A. Sheikh, In Conference on Physics from Large g-ray Detector Arrays,, August 2-6, (1994) LBL-35687, Conf-940888, p. 133. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1994LBL_35687_133.
“Charged Particles as Probes to Study Entrance Channel Effects in the Composite System 164Yb,” J.L. Barreto, D.G. Sarantites, R.J. Charity, N.G. Nicolis, L.G. Sobotka, D.W. Stracener, D.C. Hensley, J.R. Beene, M.L. Halbert, and C. Baktash, in Proceedings of the 8th Winter Workshop on NuclearDynamics, Jackson Hole, Wyomin, Jan. 18-25 (1992), p. 8-13. World Scientific, W. Bauer and B. Back Eds.
“Alpha Particles as Probes of Nuclear Shape in the Rare Earths and Structure Effects on Proton Emission in the Mass 80 Region,” D.G. Sarantites, N.G. Nicolis, V. Abenante, Z. Majka, T.M. Semkow, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, G. Garcia-Bermudez, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, F.K. McGowan, M.A. Riley, A. Virtanen, and H.C. Griffin, in Exotic Nuclear Spectroscopy}, edited by Wm. C. McHarris (Plenum Press, New York, 1990) p. 457-471.
“Alpha-Particle and Proton Probes of Nuclear Shapes in the Rare Earth and Mass 80 Regions,” D.G. Sarantites, N.G. Nicolis, V. Abenante, Z. Majka, T.M. Semkow, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, G. Garcia-Bermudez, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, F.K. McGowan, M.A. Riley, A. Virtanen and H.C. Griffin, Int. Conf. on Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei, 1989, Crete, Greece, 1989. Eds. J. Sharpey Shaffer and L.D. Skouras (World Scientific, 1990), Int. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 105, (1990) p.39.
“Alpha-Particle Emission as a Probe of Nuclear Shapes and Structure Effects In Proton Evaporation Spectra,” N.G. Nicolis, D.G. Sarantites, C. Baktash, V. Abenante, L.A. Adler, J.R. Beene, F.A. Dilmanian, G. Garcia-Bermudez, H.C. Griffin, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, Z. Majka, F.K. McGowan, M.A. Riley, T.M. Semkow, D.W. Stracener, and A. Virtanen, in Proceedings of the International Conference `Nuclear Structure in the Nineties’, Oak Ridge, April, 1990, Nucl. Phys. A520, 153c (1990).
“Alpha-Particles as Probes of Nuclear Shape and Structure Effects in Proton Evaporation Spectra,” D.G. Sarantites, N.G. Nicolis, V. Abenante, Z. Majka, T.M. Semkow, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, G. Garcia-Bermudez, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, F.K. McGowan, M.A. Riley, A. Virtanen and H.C. Griffin, in Proccedings of the `XXV Zakopane School of Physics’ (World Scientific, 1990), Vol.2, selected topics in nuclear structure, Eds. J. Styczen and Z. Stachura, (1990), p.180. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1990WSci-2-180.
“Entrance Channel Effects in Fusion Reactions Near Barrier Energies,” M. Thoennessen, J.R. Beene, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, D. Horen, F. Bertrand, D.G. Sarantites, and D. Stracener, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Nuclear Structure and Heavy-Ion Reaction Dynamics}’ Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 109, Chapter 5, (1990), p. 135.
“Alpha-Particle and Proton Probes of Nuclear Shapes in the Rare Earth and Mass 80 Regions,” D.G. Sarantites, N.G. Nicolis, V. Abenante, Z. Majka, T.M. Semkow, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, G. Garcia-Bermudez, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, F.K. McGowan, M.A. Riley, A. Virtanen and H.C. Griffin, Int. Conf. on Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei 1989 Crete, Greece, 1989. Eds. J. Sharpey Shaffer and L.D. Skouras (World Scientific, 1990), Int. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 105, (1989) p.39.To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1989WSci-39.
“Disintegration of the Nuclear System Formed in the 45 MeV/nucleon 84Kr + 159Tb Reaction,” Z. Majka, L.G. Sobotka, D.W. Starcener, D.G. Sarantites, G. Auger, E. Plagnol, Y. Schutz, R. Dayras, J.P. Wieleczko, J. Barreto, and E. Norbeck, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Nuclear Dynamics and Nuclear Disassembly, edited by J.B. Natowitz (World Scientific, 1989), p. 424. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1989WSci-x-424
“Decomposition of Incomplete Fusion,” L.G. Sobotka, Z. Majka, D.G. Sarantites, D.W. Starcener, V. Abenante, T.M. Semkow, D.C. Hensley, J.R. Beene, and M.L. Halbert, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Nuclear Dynamics and Nuclear Disassembly, edited by J.B. Natowitz (World Scientific, 1989), p. 67. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1989WSci-x-67
“Angular Momentum Effects in Subbarrier Fusion,” M.L. Halbert, J.R. Beene, D.C. Hensley, K.J. Honkanen, T.M. Semkow, V. Abenante, D.G. Sarantites, Z. Li, in Heavy-Ion Reaction Dynamics in Tandem Energy Region, edited by Y. Sugiyama, A. Iwamoto, H. Ikezoe, (Universal Academy Press, Tokyo,1989), p. 3.
“High Resolution Correlation Studies of Continuum g-rays of 170Hf ,” I.Y. Lee, C. Baktash, J.R. Beene, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, N.R. Johnson, F.K. McGowan, M.A. Riley and D.G. Sarantites, in Conference on High-Spin Nuclear Structure and Novel Shapes, Argonne National Laboratory, (1988), p. 160.
“A New Look at Reaction Mechanisms with 4π Charged-Particle and Neutron Multiplicity Measurements,” D.G. Sarantites, T.M. Semkow, L.G. Sobotka, V. Abenante, Z. Li, Z. Majka, N.G. Nicolis, D.W. Stracener and D.C. Hensley, in Texas A&M Symposium on Hot Nuclei, edited by S. Shlomo, R.P. Schmitt, and J.B. Natowitz (World Scientific, 1988), p. 375. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1988WSci-375
“Spin and Temperature Dependence of Nuclear Deformation Using Alpha-Gamma Angular Correlations,” N.G. Nicolis, D.G. Sarantites, L.A. Adler, F.A. Dilmanian, K.J. Honkanen, Z. Majka, L.G. Sobotka, Z. Li, T.M. Semkow, J.R. Beene, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, J.B. Natowitz, R.P. Schmitt, D. Fabris, G. Nebbia and G. Mouchaty, in The Variety of Nuclear Shapes, edited by J.D. Garrett, C.A. Kalfas, G. Anagnostatos, and R. Vlastou (World Scientific, 1987), p. 526-536.
“Angular Momentum Effects in Subbarrier Fusion,” M.L. Halbert, J.R. Beene, D.C. Hensley, K. Honkanen, T.M. Semkow, V. Abenante, D.G. Sarantites, Z. Li, in Frontiers of Heavy-Ion Physics edited by N. Cindro, W. Greiner, and R. Caplar, (World Scientific 1987), p. 323-330.
“Signature Splitting in 135Pr,” T.M. Semkow, D.G. Sarantites, K. Honkanen, V. Abenante, C. Baktash, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, M. Oshima, Y. Schutz, C.Y. Chen, O. Dietzsch, J.X. Saladin, A.J. Larabee, L.L. Riedinger, Y.S. Chen and H.C. Griffin, in Nuclei Off the Line of Stability, edited by R.A. Meyer and D.S. Brenner, (American Chemical Society, Washington, DC 1986), p. 305-310.
“High-Spin Structure of 163Lu,” K. Honkanen, H.C. Griffin, D.G. Sarantites, V. Abenante, L.A. Adler, C. Baktash, Y.S. Chen, O. Dietzsch, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, N.R. Johnson, A.J. Larabee, I.Y. Lee, L.L. Riedinger, J.X. Saladin, T.M. Semkow and Y. Schutz, in Nuclei Off the Line of Stability, edited by R.A. Meyer and D.S. Brenner, (American Chemical Society, Washington, DC 1986), p. 317–322.
“Entry States in Subbarrier Fusion,” M.L. Halbert, J.R. Beene, D.C. Hensley, K. Honkanen, T.M. Semkow, V. Abenante and D.G. Sarantites, Symposium on the Many Facets of Heavy-Ion Fusion Reactions, Argonne, March 24–26 (1986) ANL-PHY-86-1, p. 511-518.
“Intermediate Mass Fragment Emission from 8 to 40 MeV/u,” R.J. Charity, M.A. McMahan, D.R. Bowman, Z.H. Liu, R.J. McDonald, G.J. Wozniak, L.G. Moretto, S. Bradley, W.L. Kehoe, A.C. Mignerey, D.G. Sarantites, L.G. Sobotka, G. Guarino, A. Pantaleo, L. Fiore, A. Gobbi, K. Hildenbrand and N.M. Namboodiri, Fourth Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Copper Mountain, CO, Feb. 23-28 (1986), LBL Report 21532.
“Survey of the Population of the Entry States in Fusion Reactions,” D.G. Sarantite, F.A. Dilmanian, M. Jääskeläinen, H. Puchta, R. Woodward, J.R. Beene, J.H. Barker, M.L. Halbert, J. Hattula, D.C. Hensley, I.Y. Lee, W.T. Milner, F. Plasil, J.J. Gaardhoje, J.D. Garrett, G.B. Hagemann, B. Herskind, P. Nolan and G. Sletten, in High Angular Momentum Properties of Nuclei, edited by N.R. Johnson, (Harwood Academic Publishers, 1983), p. 417-435.
“γ-Ray Decay and Nuclear Shapes in 158Yb,” M. Jääskeläinen, D.G. Sarantites, F.A. Dilmanian, R. Woodward, H. Puchta, J.R. Beene, J. Hattula, M.L. Halbert and D.C. Hensley, in High Angular Momentum Properties of Nuclei, edited by N.R. Johnson, (Harwood Academic Publishers, 1983), p. 437-449.
“Deformation of α-emitting Nuclei from Spin Alignment with the Spin Spectrometer,” F.A. Dilmanian, D.G. Sarantites, M. Jääskeläinen, H. Puchta, R. Woodward, J.R. Beene, D.C. Hensley, M.L. Halbert, R. Novotny, L. Adler, R.K. Choudhury, N.M. Namboodiri, R.P. Schmitt and J.R. Natowitz, in High Angular Momentum Properties of Nuclei, edited by N.R. Johnson, (Harwood Academic Publishers, 1983), p. 471-478.
“Population and Decay of High-Spin States in 157-161Yb: Evolution of Nuclear Shapes as a Function of Spin and Neutron Number,” M. Jääskeläinen, D.G. Sarantites, F.A. Dilmanian, R. Woodward, H. Puchta, J.R. Beene, M.L. Halbert, J. Hattula, D.C. Hensley and J.H. Barker, Proceedings of the International Synmposium on Dynamics of Nuclear Collective Motion, July 6-10, 1982, Mt. Fuji, Japan, edited by K. Ogawa and K.Tanabe (Bando Printing Co., 1982), p. 51–67.”
“Non-equilbrium Neutron Emission from 12C + 158Gd and 13C + 157Gd Reactions,” F. Plasil, J.R. Beene, R.L. Ferguson, A. Gavron, F.E. Obenshain, G.R. Young, G.A. Petitt, K. Geoffroy Young, M. Jääskeläinen, D.G. Sarantites and C.F. Maguire, International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations IX, Hirschegg, Austria, January 1981.
“Light-particle Emission in Reactions Induced with Carbon and Oxygen Ions,” F. Plasil, J.R. Beene, R.L. Ferguson, A. Gavron, D.C. Hensley, F.E. Obenshain, G.R. Young, M.P. Webb, G.A. Petitt, K.A. Geoffroy, M. Jääskeläinen, D.G. Sarantites and C.F. Maguire, Procedings of Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Granilbakken, CA (1980), LBL-10688 (1980).
“Neutron Emission in Deeply Inelastic and Fusion Evaporation Reactions of 208-MeV 16O with 93Nb,” G.A. Petitt, R.L. Ferguson, A. Gavron, D.C. Hensley, F.E. Obenshain, F. Plasil, A.H. Snell, G.R. Young, K.A. Geoffroy, D.G. Sarantites and C.F. Maguire, Proceedings of the Conference on Continuum Spectra in Heavy-Ion Reactions, San Antonio, Texas, 3-5, December, 1979. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1979San_Anton.
“Gamma-ray Continuum Spectra From Heavy-ion Reactions,” J.R. Beene, M.L. Halbert, D.C. Hensley, L. Westerberg, D.G. Sarantites, K.A. Geoffroy, and R. Woodward, Symposium on High-Spin Phenomena in Nuclei, Argonne, 15-17 March, 1979, (ANL/PHY-79-4). p. 503–510. To download a *.pdf copy of the paper click here: 1979ANL_PHY_4_503.
“Solid Emanating Thoron Source,” D.G. Sarantites, H.W. Kraner and J.W. Irvine, Jr., L.N.S. Report, AT-(30-1)-952, (1963).
“Effect of Neutron Dispersion on Charge Dispersion in Fission,” D.G. Sarantites, R.D. Fink, A. Herrington, and G.E. Gordon, L.N.S. Report, May (1961).
“Equivalent Volumes of Dowex 1×8 Anion Exchange Resin in Various Salts,” D.G. Sarantites, L.N.S. Report, Nov. (1960).