Our seventh virtual brown bag was held on August 28th. The instructional design team answered questions about Zoom, Kaltura, Gradescope, and Canvas. The recording is a Zoom recording that was processed and hosted in Kaltura. For your convenience, we’ve added Chapters to this recording that highlight when each topic was discussed. You can find the […]
Author: jasoncrandall
Virtual Brown Bag (Thursday, September 3): Assessment and Academic Integrity
The instructional design team invites you to join us on Thursday for an moderated panel discussion on assessment and academic integrity. Jay Turner will moderate the discussion, with Patty Weisensee, Emily Boyd, Jim Feher, and the instructional design team serving as the panel. Each of these faculty will comment on their experiences with adapting assessments […]
Virtual Brown Bag (FRIDAY, August 28): Tech Tips
The instructional design team invites you to join us this Friday for an informal discussions on teaching technology tips. We’ll answer the questions you’ve asked in our workshops this summer about Kaltura, Canvas, Gradescope, Zoom, and classroom technology. Join us for step-by-step demonstrations or to have your own questions answered. To accommodate the McKelvey Education, […]
Recording: Classroom Teaching Technology Virtual Brown Bag (August 20)
Our sixth virtual brown bag was held on August 20th from one of the pooled classrooms on Danforth campus. During this demonstration, Emily Boyd showed how to use the pooled classroom technology to deliver a hybrid lecture to students in-person and online simultaneously. Emily modeled the use of a tablet, a doc cam, and a […]
Recording: Engaging Online Students Virtual Brown Bag (August 14)
Our fifth virtual brown bag was on August 14th. Meghann Pytka and Jason Crandall shared various tools and approaches to facilitating online student engagement, including discussion boards, Zoom office hours, and small group work. I’ve attached the presentation from this brown bag here: August 14 Slide Deck The session recording is linked below. You must […]
Virtual Brown Bag (Thursday, August 20): Classroom teaching technology
This week, Emily Boyd will be simulating a brief lecture (10-15 mins.) from a university pooled classroom in Jubel Hall. Jason Crandall will join her to act as production assistant, and there will be a few students in the classroom, as well as online to simulate the process of asking and answering questions. Following the […]
Virtual Brown Bag (FRIDAY, August 14): Engaging Online Students
The McKelvey Instructional Design team will be hosting a conversation about various methods of engaging with online students, including polling software, discussion boards, structured office hours/Q&A sessions, and small group work. In addition to sharing some best practices, we invite you to come prepared to share your own plans and questions. Please join us on Friday, […]
Recording: Gradescope Virtual Brown Bag (July 31)
Our fourth virtual brown bag was on July 31st. Bill Siever and Tsitsi Nussinov showed various ways they have used Gradescope to help with fairness, consistency, and efficiency in their grading workflows. Both Bill and Tsitsi have shared their slide decks and are willing to consult with other faculty if desired. I’ve posted all three […]
Upcoming LockDown Browser/Respondus training (7/30, 8/6)
Virtual Brown Bag (FRIDAY, July 31): Gradescope
Tsitsi Nussinov and Bill Siever will be joining our instructional design team to discuss how they have used Gradescope to help with administering and grading various types of assignments and exams. Gradescope creates uniform grading rubrics, detailed student feedback, and an efficient grading for handwritten, electronic, and code submissions. Please join us on Friday, July 31st at noon […]
Upcoming CTL Zoom workshops (7/28, 7/29)
Hello, all. There are two workshops hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning that I thought might be of interest to you. These are 30-minute workshop that can supplement the innovative ways many of you are already approaching your synchronous sessions in Zoom: Tuesday, July 28th, Noon-12:30 pm: Teaching with Zoom Whiteboard and Annotation […]
Recording: OneNote Virtual Brown Bag (July 16)
Our third virtual brown bag was on July 16th, and we had a great hands-on demonstration. Matt Lew and Janie Brennan shared tips on how to use OneNote for courses with significant calculation and derivation components. They demonstrated how a OneNote file can be combined with PowerPoint, .pdf files, and Canvas to capture free-form and […]
Virtual Brown Bag (July 16): OneNote
Janie Brennan and Matt Lew will be joining our instructional design team to discuss how they and their students used OneNote in their Spring courses. Please join us on Thursday, July 16th at noon to discuss the benefits and features of OneNote. There will be a hands-on, collaborative demonstration of a OneNote notebook during the […]
Course tools: Kaltura resources
Kaltura is WashU’s approved video content management platform. While it may not be as straightforward as Zoom for recording Powerpoint lectures or seminar-style conversations, Kaltura is a far more powerful tool overall. Once you become comfortable with it, Kaltura promises to enrich your Canvas learning environment well beyond simple lecture capture. Here are some useful […]
Peer-to-Peer #2: OneNote lectures
This is the second post to the Peer-to-Peer series, sharing instructor’s experiences and approaches. Matthew Lew (ESE) recorded mini lectures for ESE 582 (Fundamentals of Optical Imaging) last spring. Matthew lectured “live” via Zoom and OneNote, then shared both the Zoom recordings and the notebook pages with his students for their review. This potent combination of careful, step-by-step […]
Recording: Kaltura and YouTube Virtual Brown Bag (July 2nd)
Our second virtual brown bag was on July 2nd, and we had another great turnout. Neal Patwari gave a detailed demonstration of his process for recording, editing, and posting videos in iMovie and YouTube. Lori Setton explained why she used Kaltura in her spring course and how it helped her students. She also noted how […]
Lopata recording studio: Full-screen tablets and OneNote
The below videos will show you some of the hardware and software available in McKelvey’s recording studio. The studio is located in 401 Lopata, and available now for recording content. To schedule a recording slot, contact Ethan at ethan.hall@wustl.edu. If you’d like to talk with colleagues who have used OneNote to good effect in previous […]
Training: Gradescope for assessments
In conversations with faculty who are enrolled in the McKelvey Course Migration Workshop, Jason and I noted that testing kept cropping up as an area of concern for faculty. Although this is part of a much broader discussion, one facet of an approach to ensuring academic integrity may be using GradeScope. GradeScope has a number of […]
Virtual Brown Bag: Using Kaltura and iMovie (July 2)
Neal Patwari and Lori Setton will be joining our instructional design team to discuss how they and their students used video content in their Spring courses. Please join us on Thursday, July 2nd at noon to discuss the benefits and challenges of using iMovie, Youtube, and Kaltura for asynchronous lectures and student assignments. We’d also […]
Recording: SP2020 Lessons Learned (June 18)
Meghann and Jason hosted our first virtual brown bag on June 19th, and there were 49 attendees altogether. There was a robust discussion about student and faculty experiences during the spring 2020 remote session, and we surfaced a number of great topics for future brown bags. The session recording is linked below. You must be […]