Congratulation Lizzie!

Congratulation Lizzie!
Our lab member and MD/PhD student (MSTP program) Lizzie Tilden was recently awarded NIH F30 grant. Way to go Lizzie!


Congratulations to Alicia Repka who is graduating soon. She will be pursuing a PhD in biomedical engineering at Vanderbilt. Good Luck Alicia! Another of our lab members, Samarth Aggarwal is also moving on. He was accepted into the PhD program in Imaging Science here at WashU. Good Luck to him as well!

Master Thesis Defense

Master Thesis Defense
Congratulations to Peter Chen on his Master’s defense! Peter’s thesis can be found here: Optical Perturbation of Protein Kinase A Activity via Photoactivatable Inhibitor PeptidesPhotoactivatable Inhibitor Peptides.

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration
Since many of our lab members traveled over the holidays we finally got to have our Holiday/New Year’s outing. We had a blast as always with lots of laughter and excellent food. Now we are looking forward to yet an exiting year! This year we will relocate to NRB, the new Neuroscience Research Building.

Poster session

Poster session
Pingchuan is presenting his poster at Washington University Biochemistry and Biophysics Community Kickoff Poster Session.