
December 17, 2024
Congratulations to Lily O’Connor (Meyers lab) on receiving the Danforth Plant Science Center Committee for Scientific Mentoring & Training Passion in Science Award!

December 5, 2024: New PhD!
Congratulations to Dr. Eric Conners (Bose lab)!

November 21, 2024: New PhD!
Congratulations to Dr. Emily Davenport (Bose lab)!

November 6, 2024: How plants override genetic instructions
PMB students Jia Gwee and Xinrui (Sherry) Ji are co-authors on a Science Advances paper from the Zhong lab.

September 27, 2024: Understanding SARS-CoV-2 replication in airway cells
PMB studenst Jenna Eschbach and Ming (Celene) Jia are co-authors on a Nature Communications paper from the Kutluay lab.

September 24, 2024: FimH conformation and uropathogenesis
PMB student Edward Lopatto’s paper on how conformational ensembles in Klebsiella pneumoniae FimH impact uropathogenesis is published in PNAS.

July 15-19, 2024: PMB at the 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research
PMB students Huy Le and Xinrui (Sherry ) Li received travel awards to attend the conference and Jia Gwee was selected for a talk at the meeting.

July 15, 2024: Welcome to the Incoming 2024 PMB Class!
Dharani Elangovan, Eli Flomenhoft, Kyle Koch, Ting-Shuo Nien, Jesus Peng Zhao, Nushrat Rashid, and Hayley Sussman

July 13, 2024
PMB student Adrienne Brauer (Levin lab) is a discussion leader in the Stress Sensing, Signal Transduction, & Gene Regulation session at the Gordon Research Seminar on Microbial Stress Response.

July 1, 2024: 2024 William H Danforth Plant Science Fellows
Noah Clayton (EEP, Myers lab), Sheryln Contreras (PMB, Mansfeld lab), Chloe Gehret (EEP, Myers lab), Emmily Moses (PMB, Mansfeld lab), and Vincent Vanyo (PMB, Bravo lab) are this year’s Danforth Fellows.

June 24, 2024: Transposase-assisted target-site integration for efficient plant genome engineering
PMB student Pratheek Pandesha is a co-author on a Nature paper from the Slotkin lab (DDPSC).

June 22-26, 2024: American Society of Plant Biologists 100th Anniversary Meeting in Honolulu.
St. Louis Plant Science from Washington University, Danforth Plant Science Center, Mizzou, SLU, and alum of all were well represented at the celebration.

June 18, 2024: New PhD!
Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Pardi (Nusinow lab)! Sarah heads to UCLA and the Shahan lab for her postdoc later this summer.

June 12, 2024: Genome Editing in Syngenta Seeds Research
PMB Alum Wan Shi (now at Syngenta Seeds Research in Beijing) visits for a special seminar and to talk with students about his experience in industry.

May 7, 2024: New PhD!
Congratulations to Dr. Vivian Kitainda (Jez lab)!

April 11, 2024: Macromolecular Condensation and pH Gradients
PMB graduate student Andrew Lin (Pappu lab) is co-author on a Cell paper showing that macromolecule differences in condensates can generate distinct physiochemical properties.

April 9, 2024: Varner Lecture
Professor Cathie Martin from the John Innes Center (Norwich, UK) talks about “Healthy Plants, Healthy People – Fortifying Vitamins and Micronutrients in Tomato”. A highlight of her talk was the story about how the purple tomato, a gene-edited high anthocyanin variety, is now on the market. See the NY Times on “Learning to Love GMOs.”
Joseph Varner joined the biology department of WashU in 1973. He started with a small research group, and soon after arriving, he convinced then-chancellor William Danforth that he could build a first-rate plant biology program if the department were given additional faculty positions. Varner clearly saw that plant biology was nearing a new takeoff point, and he wanted WashU to be part of it. He attracted a number of first-rate junior plant biologists to the department, including Roger Beachy, Mary Dell Chilton, William Outlaw, and Virginia Walbot. The lecture series was established to honor and thank Joe.

April 8, 2024: Total Eclipse
Time-lapse courtesy of Hani!

April 4, 2024: NSF GRFP Honorable Mentions
Graduate students Kyra Raines (Levin lab) and Hailee Morrison (Bose lab) are honorable mentions in this year’s competition.

January 3, 2024: BALSA News
Congratulations to PMB student Vincent Vanyo on being named BALSA‘s Outstanding Consultant of the Quarter.