Joseph Adjei
PMB Graduate Student (Stallings lab), Olin/Chancellors Fellow; 2023-current
Education: B.S. Biomedical Studies – Rochester Institute of Technology (2022)
Rotations: Zhang R, Bart, Stallings
Thesis: TBD
Parthasarathy A, Miranda RR, Bedore TJ, Watts LM, Mantravadi PK, Wong NH, Chu J, Adjei JA, Rana AP, Savka MA, Bulman ZP, Borrego EJ, Hudson AO (2024) Interaction of Acinetobacter sp. RIT 592 induces the production of broad-spectrum antibiotics in Exiguobacterium sp. RIT 594. Front Pharmacol 15, 1456027
Sankoh AF, Adjei J, Roberts D, Burch-Smith TM (2024) Comparing methods for detection and quantification of plasmodesmal callose in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves during defense responses. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 37, 427-31
Raisman JC, Fiore MA, Tomin L, Adjei JKO, Aswad VX, Chu J, Domondon CJ, Donahue BA, Masciotti CA, McGrath CG, Melita J, Podbielski PA, Schreiner MR, Trumpore LJ, Wengert PC, Wrightstone EA, Hudson AO, Wadsworth CB (2022) Evolutionary paths to macrolide resistance in a Neisseria commensal converge on ribosomal genes through short sequence duplications. PLoS One 2022 17, :e0262370
Cavanaugh NT, Parthasarathy A, Wong NH, Steiner KK, Chu J, Adjei J, Hudson AO (2021) Exiguobacterium sp. is endowed with antibiotic properties against Gram positive and negative bacteria. BMC Res Notes 14, 230

Cheyenne Anderson
PMB Graduate Student (Penczykowski Lab), NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2021-current
Education: B.S. Biology, Missouri Baptist U. (2018)
Rotations: Bart, Haswell, Olsen, & Penczykowski labs
Thesis: TBD
Ha CV, Mostofa MG, Nguyen KH, Tran CD, Watanabe Y, Li W, Osakabe Y, Sato M, Toyooka K, Tanaka M, Seki M, Burritt DJ, Anderson CM, Zhang R, Nguyen HM, Le VP, Bui HT, Mochida K, Tran LP (2022) The histidine phosphotransfer AHP4 plays a negative role in Arabidopsis plant response to drought. Plant J 111, 1732-52
Zhang N, Mattoon EM, McHargue W, Venn B, Zimmer D, Pecani K, Jeong J, Anderson CM, Chen C, Berry JC, Xia M, Tzeng SC, Becker E, Pazouki L, Evans B, Cross F, Cheng J, Czymmek KJ, Schroda M, Muehlhaus T, Zhang R (2022) Systems-wide analysis revealed shared and unique responses to moderate and acute high temperatures in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Commun Biol 5, 460
Anderson CM, Mattoon EM, Zhang N, Becker E, McHargue W, Yang J, Patel D, Dautermann O, McAdam SAM, Tarin T, Pathak S, Avenson TJ, Berry J, Braud M, Niyogi KK, Wilson M, Nusinow DA, Vargas R, Czymmek KJ, Eveland AL, Zhang R (2021) High light and temperature reduce photosynthetic efficiency through different mechanisms in the C4 model Setaria viridis. Commun Biol 4, 1092

Katherine Benza
PMB Graduate Student (Dixit Lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2021-current
Education: B.S. Biochemistry, Clemson U. (2021)
Rotations: Dixit, Bart, Jez, & Nusinow labs
Thesis: Investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization of Medicago truncatula
Zhao G, Liu Y, Li L, Che R, Douglass M, Benza K, Angove M, Luo K, Hu Q, Chen X, Henry C, Li Z, Ning G, Luo H (2024) Gene pyramiding for boosted plant growth and broad abiotic stress tolerance. Plant Biotechnol J 22, 678-97

Adrienne Brauer
PMB Graduate Student (Levin Lab), Howard A. Schneiderman Graduate Fellow; 2020-current
Education: B.S. Biology – Microbiology, Southeast Missouri State U. (2020)
Rotations: Bose, Vindigni, & Pakrasi Labs
Thesis: Genetic and metabolomic analysis of the nutrient stress response cytoplasmic condensation in E. coli
Activities: Treasurer, WU Promoting Science Policy, Education, and Research (ProSPER); PMB Steering Committee Student Representative
Brauer AM, Shi H, Levin PA, Huang KC (2023) Physiological and regulatory convergence between osmotic and nutrient stress responses in microbes. Curr Opin Cell Biol 81, 102170
Brauer AM, Rogers AR, Ellermeier JR (2021) Twin-arginine translocation (Tat) mutants in Salmonella enterica derivar Typimurium have increased susceptibility to cell wall targeting antibiotics. FEMS Microbes 2, xtab004

Vincent Brazelton
PMB Graduate Student (Topp Lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2021-current
Education: B.S. , Earth, Natural Resources, & Plant Sciences, Tuskegee U. (2013); M.S. Genetics, Iowa State U. (2015)
Rotation: Topp, Baxter, & Olsen labs
Thesis: Root Ideotypes For Urban and Low Input Agricultural Systems
Brazelton VA, Zarecor S, Wright DA, Wang Y, Liu J, Chen K, Yang B, Lawrence-Dill CJ (2015) A quick guide to CRISPR sgRNA design tools. GM Crops Food 6, 266-76

Jessica Bullock
PMB Graduate Student (Levin Lab); 2019-Current
Education: B.S. Microbiology, U South Florida (2018)
Rotations: Levin, Kutluay, & Dixit labs
Thesis: Immunofluorescent microscopy of FtsZ C-Terminal Linker Varients in Bacillus subtilis
Shinn MK, Cohan MC, Bullock JL, Ruff KM, Levin PA, Pappu RV (2022) Connecting sequence features within the disordered C-terminal linker of Bacillus subtilis FtsZ to functions and bacterial cell division. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119, e2211178119
Zhu D, Bullock J, He Y, Sun X (2019) Cwp22, a novel peptidoglycan cross-linking enzyme, plays pleiotropic roles in Clostridioles difficile. Environ Micro 21, 3076-90

Michelle Sungkyung Cho
PMB Graduate Student (Topp Lab); 2019-Current
Education: B.S. Life Science, Ewha Womans U (2013); M.S. Life Science, Sogang U (2016)
Rotations: Baxter, Topp, & Pakrasi labs
Thesis: TBD
Cho S*, Yu SI*, Park J, Mao Y, Zhu JK, Yun DJ, Lee BH (2017) Accession-dependent CBF gene deletion by CRISPR/Cas system in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci 8, 1910 (*equal contribution)

Sherlyn Contreras
PMB Graduate Student (Mansfeld lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2023-current
Education: B.S. Biology – Ball State U (2023)
Rotations: Zhong, Nusinow, and Mansfeld labs
Thesis: Investigating NLR diversity and effector responses in wild apple varieties

Kristen Edgeworth
PMB Graduate Student (Nusinow Lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2020-current
Education: B.A. Molecular Biology, Kenyon College (2020)
Rotations: Haswell, Dixit, Pandey, & Nusinow Labs
Thesis: Investigating the circadian regulation of triacylglycerol biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Activities: Genetics and Genomics Teaching Team Leader for YSP; Next-Up Course Coordinator for YSP
Battle MW, Ewing SF, Dickson C, Obaje J, Edgeworth KN, Bindbeutel R, Antoniou-Kourounioti RL, Nusinow DA, Jones MA (2024) Manipulation of photosensory and circadian signaling restricts phenotypic plasticity in response to changing environmental conditions in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant 17, 1458-71
Kim SC, Edgeworth KN, Nusinow DA, Wang X (2023) Circadian clock factors regulate the first condensation reaction of fatty acid synthesis in Arabidopsis. Cell Rep 42, 113483
Sorkin ML, Markham KK, Zorich S, Menon A, Edgeworth KN, Ricono A, Bryant D, Bart R, Nusinow DA, Greenham K (2023) Assembly and operation of an imaging system for long-term monitoring of bioluminescent and fluorescent reporters in plants. Plant Methods 19, 19
Hines KM, Chaudhari V, Edgeworth KN, Owens TG, Hanson MR (2021) Absence of carbonic anhydrase in chloroplasts affects C3 plant development but not photosynthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118, e2017425119

Dharani Elangovan
PMB Graduate Student; 2024-current
Education: B.S. Agriculture, Annamalai University (2021); M.S. Plant Physiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (2023)
Rotations: Mansfeld and Topp labs
Thesis: TBD

Jenna E. Eschbach
PMB Graduate Student (Kutluay Lab); 2019-current
Education: B.S. Biology, Truman State U (2017)
Rotations: Dixit, Vahey, Kutluay, & Zaher labs
Thesis: TBD
Puray-Chavez M, Eschbach JE, Xia M, LaPak KM, Zhou Q, Jasuja R, Pan J, Xu J, Zhou Z, Mohammed S, Wang Q, Lawson DQ, Djokic S, Hou G, Ding S, Brody SL, Major MB, Goldfarb D, Kutluay SB (2024) A basally active cGAS-STING pathway limits SARS-CoV-2 replication in a subset of ACE2 positive airway cell models. Nature Commun 15, 8394
Eschbach JE, Puray-Chavez M, Mohammed S, Wang Q, Xia M, Huang L-C, Shan L, Kutluay SB (2024) HIV-1 capsid stability and reverse transcription are finely balanced to minimize sensing of reverse transcription products via the cGAS-STING pathway. mBio 15, e0034824
Shema Mugisha C, Dinh T, Kumar A, Tenneti K, Eschbach JE, Davis K, Gifford R, Kvaratskhelia M, Kutluay SB (2022) Emergence of compensatory mutations reveals the importance of electrostatic interactions between HIV-1 integrase and genomic RNA. mBio 13, e0043122
Puray-Chavez M, LaPak KM, Schrank TP, Elliott JL, Bhatt DP, Agajanian MJ, Jasuja R, Lawson DQ, Davis K, Rothlauf PW, Liu Z, Jo H, Lee N, Tenneti K, Eschbach JE, Shema Mugisha C, Cousins EM, Cloer EW, Vuong HR, VanBlargan LA, Bailey AL, Gilchuk P, Crowe JE Jr, Diamond MS, Hayes DN, Whelan SPJ, Horani A, Brody SL, Goldfarb D, Major MB, Kutluay SB (2021) Systematic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 infection of an ACE2-negative human airway cell. Cell Rep 36, 109364
Eschbach JE, Elliott JL, Li W, Zadrozny KK, Davis K, Mohammed SJ, Lawson DQ, Pornillos O, Engelman AN, Kutluay SB (2020) Capsid lattice destabilization leads to premature loss of the viral genome and integrase enzyme during HIV-1 infection. J Virol 95, e00984
Elliott JL, Eschbach JE, Kontur PC, Li W, Chavez MP, Townsend D, Lawson DQ, Engelman AN, Kvaratskhelia M, Kutluay SB (2020) Integrase-RNA interactions underscore the critical role of integrase HIV-1 virion morphogenesis. eLife 9, 354311

Eli Flomenhoft
PMB Graduate Student; 2024-current
Education: B.S. Biology, Brown University (2024)
Rotations: Zhong and Dixit labs
Thesis: TBD

Aidan Flynn
PMB Graduate Student (Holehouse Lab); 2021-current
Education: A.B. Biology, Washington U. in St. Louis (2021)
Rotation: Stallings, Meyers, Holehouse, & Nusinow labs
Thesis: Interrogating the intersections between intrinsic disorder, evolution, and cellular organization
Activities: Assistant Director, Young Scientist Program (YSP) Continuing Mentoring; General Committee Member, Student Advisory Committee (SAC); Student Co-Lead, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics Research Experience for Undergraduates Program
Flynn AJ, Miller K, Codjoe JM, King MR, Haswell ES (2023) Mechanosensitive ion channels MSL8, MSL9, and MSL10 have environmentally sensitive intrinsically disordered regions with distinct biophysical characteristics in vitro. Plant Direct 7, e515
Ginell GM, Flynn AJ, Holehouse AS (2023) SHEPHARD: a modular and extensible software architecture for analyzing and annotating large protein datasets. Bioinformatics 39, btad488
Prusa J, Zhu DX, Flynn AJ, Jensen D, Manzano AR, Galburt EA, Stallings CL (2022) Molecular dissection of RbpA-mediated regulation of fidaxomicin sensitivity in mycobacteria. J Biol Chem 298, 101752

Brian Gallagher
PMB Graduate Student (Bose lab); 2021-current
Education: B.A. Biology, Hamilton College (2021)
Rotations: Bose, Umen, & Kunkel labs
Thesis: Characterizing the soil microbiomes of MO Ozark fens to produce targeted microbial treatments for degraded agricultural soils
Ranaivoarisoa TO, Bai W, Karthikeyan R, Steele H, Silberman M, Olabode J, Conners E, Gallagher B, Bose A (2024) Overexpression of RuBisCO form I and II genes in Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 augments polyhydroxyalkanoate production heterotrophically and autotrophically. Appl Environ Microbiol (in press)

Patricia Gallardo
PMB Graduate Student (Bart lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2022-current
Education: B.S. Agricultural Biochemistry, Iowa State U. (2022)
Rotations: Kunkel, Bart, Nusinow, & Amarasinghe labs
Thesis: TBD

Olivia Gomez
PMB Graduate Student (Umen Lab), NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention; 2020-current
Education: B.S. Plant Science, Cornell U. (2020)
Rotations: Kunkel, Umen, Levin, & Haswell Labs
Thesis: TBD
Activities: Advertising Coordinator, InPrint

Jia Gwee
PMB Graduate Student (Zhong lab); 2022-current
Education: B.S. Chemistry, U.C.-Berkeley; M.S. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Northeastern U.
Thesis: Dissecting N-terminus for CMT2 stability, DNA methylation, and adaptation
Activities: 2023 Arts & Science Dean’s Award for Graduate Research Excellence
Jiang J, Gwee J, Fang J, Leichter SM, Sanders D, Ji X, Song J, Zhong X (2024) Substrate specificity and protein stability drive the divergence of plant-specific DNA methyltransferases. Science Adv 10, eadr2222
Sun Y, Revach OY, Anderson S, Kessler EA, Wolfe CH, Jenney A, Mills CE, Robitschek EJ, Davis TGR, Kim S, Fu A, Ma X, Gwee J, Tiwari P, Du PP, Sindurakar P, Tian J, Mehta A, Schneider AM, Yizhak K, Sade-Feldman M, LaSalle T, Sharova T, Xie H, Liu S, Michaud WA, Saad-Beretta R, Yates KB, Iracheta-Vellve A, Spetz JKE, Qin X, Sarosiek KA, Zhang G, Kim JW, Su MY, Cicerchia AM, Rasmussen MQ, Klempner SJ, Juric D, Pai SI, Miller DM, Giobbie-Hurder A, Chen JH, Pelka K, Frederick DT, Stinson S, Ivanova E, Aref AR, Paweletz CP, Barbie DA, Sen DR, Fisher DE, Corcoran RB, Hacohen N, Sorger PK, Flaherty KT, Boland GM, Manguso RT, Jenkins RW (2023) Targeting TBK1 to overcome resistance to cancer immunotherapy. Nature 615, 158-67

Christopher Harper
PMB Graduate Student (Blodgett Lab); 2019-Current
Education: B.S. Biochemistry and Biotechnology, U Missouri-St. Louis (2016)
Rotations: Blodgett, Feldman, & F Zhang labs
Thesis: Diversity and regulation of gene clusters for polycyclic tetramate macrolactam biosynthesis
Lee CY, Harper CP, Lee SG, Qi Y, Clay T, Aoi Y, Jez JM, Kasahara H, Blodgett JAV, Kunkel BN (2024) Investigating the biosynthesis and roles of the auxin phenylacetic acid during Pseudomonas syringae-Arabidopsis thaliana pathogenesis. Front Plant Sci 15, 1408833
Harper CP, Day A, Tsingos M, Ding E, Zeng E, Stumpf SD, Qi Y, Robinson A, Greif J, Blodgett JAV (2024) Critical analysis of polycyclic tetramate macrolactam biosynthetic gene cluster phylogeny and functional diversity. Appl Environ Microbiol 90, e0060024
Djami-Tchatchou AT, Harrison GA, Harper CP, Wang R, Prigge M, Estelle M, Kunkel BN (2020) Dual role of auxin in regulating plant defense and bacterial virulence gene expression during Pseudomonas syringae strain DC3000 pathogenesis. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 33, 1059-71
McClerklin SA, Lee SG, Harper CP, Nwumeh R, Jez JM, Kunkel BN (2018) Indole-3-acetaldehyde dehydrogenase-dependent auxin synthesis contributes to virulence of Pseudomonas syringae strain DC3000. PLoS Pathogens 14, e1006811
Kunkel BN, Harper CP (2018) The roles of auxin during interactions between bacterial plant pathogens and their hosts. J Exp Bot 69, 245-254

Magdalena Janik
PMB Graduate Student (Baxter lab); 2022-current
Education: B.S. Biology, Canisius College (2022)
Rotations: Bose, Bradley, Zaher, & Baxter labs
Thesis: TBD

Xinrui (Sherry) Ji
PMB Graduate Student (Zhong Lab); 2022-current
Education: B.S. Genomics and Mathematics, U. Wisconsin-Madison (2022)
Rotations: Jez, Meyers, & Zhong labs
Thesis: TBD
Jiang J, Gwee J, Fang J, Leichter SM, Sanders D, Ji X, Song J, Zhong X (2024) Substrate specificity and protein stability drive the divergence of plant-specific DNA methyltransferases. Science Adv 10, eadr2222

Rachel Jouni
PMB Graduate Student (Meyers Lab); 2018-current
Education: B.S. Biology, U. Florida (2018)
Rotations: Bart, Baxter, Strader, & Meyers Labs
Thesis: TBD
Shi C, Zhang J, Wu B, Jouni R, Yu C, Meyers BC, Liang W, Fei Q (2022) Temperature-sensitive male sterility in rice determined by the roles of AGO1d in reproductive phasiRNA biogenesis and function. New Phytol 236, 1529-44

Dong-gyu Kim
PMB Graduate Student (Doering lab); 2022-current
Education: B.S. Biochemistry, U. Minnesota-Twin Cities (2019); M.S. Plant Pathology, U. Minnesota-Twin Cities (2022)
Rotations: Vogel, Doering, & Kunkel labs
Thesis: TBD
Activities: PMB Steering Committee Student Representative; InPrint, Editor; Young Scientist Program Continuing Mentoring

Stefanie King
PMB Graduate Student (Nusinow Lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2021-current
Education: B.A. Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Rice U. (2021)
Rotation: Kunkel, Bart, Nusinow, & Haswell labs
Thesis: Investigating the interactions of light- and cold-responsive proteins in the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock
Activities: Co-President, WUSTL Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS); Co-President, Graduate Association of Latinx, Native American and Caribbean Students (GALNACS); Board Member, IMSD Student Board
Sorkin ML, Tzeng SC, King S, Romanowski A, Kahle N, Bindbeutel R, Hiltbrunner A, Yanovsky MJ, Evans BS, Nusinow DA (2023) COLD REGULATED GENE 27 and 28 Antagonize the Transcriptional Activity of the RVE8/LNK1/LNK2 Circadian Complex. Plant Physiol 192, 2436-56
Beal J, Farny NG, Haddock-Angelli T, Selvarajah V, Baldwin GS, Buckley-Taylor R, Gershater M, Kiga D, Marken J, Sanchania V, Sison A, Workman CT; iGEM Interlab Study Contributors* (2020) Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density. Commun Biol 3, 512 (*group author)

Kyle Koch
PMB Graduate Student; NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention; 2024-current
Education: B.S. Genetics and Agronomy, University of Wisconsin – Madison (2023)
Rotations: Bart and Topp labs
Thesis: TBD

Huy Le
PMB Graduate Student (Zhong lab); 2022-current
Education: B.S. Biology, Cornell
Thesis: Molecular mechanisms regulating plant de novo DNA methyltransferase

Chia-Yun (Cynthia) Lee
PMB Graduate Student (Kunkel Lab), Taiwan MOE-WUSTL Scholar; 2018-current
Education: B.S. Agronomy, National Taiwan U. (2014); M.S. Agronomy, National Taiwan U. (2016)
Rotations: Pakrasi, Vierstra, Kunkel, & Jez Labs
Thesis: Characterizing the role of PmeR in the pathogenesis of Pseudomonas syringae
Lee CY, Harper CP, Lee SG, Qi Y, Clay T, Aoi Y, Jez JM, Kasahara H, Blodgett JAV, Kunkel BN (2024) Investigating the biosynthesis and roles of the auxin phenylacetic acid during Pseudomonas syringae-Arabidopsis thaliana pathogenesis. Front Plant Sci 15, 1408833
Hwang SG, Lee CY, Tseng CS (2018) Heterologous expression of rice 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase 4 (OsNCED4) in Arabidopsis confers sugar oversensitivity and drought tolerance. Bot Studies 59, 2

Tianyi (David) Li
PMB Graduate Student (Meyers lab); 2022-current
Education: B.S. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Wake Forest U. (2022)
Rotations: Meyers, Stallings, & Nusinow labs
Thesis: Investigation of Ago4’s catalytic activity’s role in de novo RNA-directed DNA methylation

Alexander E. Liu
PMB Graduate Student (Topp Lab); NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention; 2020-current
Education: B.S. Plant Sciences, Cornell U. (2020)
Rotations: Wang, Meyers, & Topp Labs
Thesis: TBD
Activities: Adulting Co-Chair, DBBS Student Advisory Committee
Ju Y, Liu AE, Oestreich K, Wang T, Topp CN, Ju T (2024) TopoRoot+: computing whorl and soil line traits of field-excavated maize roots from CT imaging. Plant Methods 20, 132
Griffiths M, Liu AE, Gunn SL, Mutan NM, Morales EY, Topp CN (2023) A temporal analysis and response to nitrate availability of 3D root system architecture in diverse pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) accessions. Front Plant Sci 14, 145389
Baldrich P, Liu A, Meyers BC, Fondong VN (2022) An atlas of small RNAs from potato. Plant Direct 6, e466
Roberts R, Liu AE, Wan L, Geiger AM, Hind SR, Hosli HG, Martin GB (2020) Molecular characterization of differences between the tomato immune receptors Flagellin sensing 3 and Flagellin sensing 2. Plant Physiol 183, 1825-27
Roberts R, Mainiero S, Powell AF, Liu AE, Shi K, Hind SR, Strickler SR, Collmer A, Martin GB (2019) Natural variation for unusual host responses and flagellin-mediated immunity against Pseudomonas syringae in genetically diverse tomato accessions. New Phytol 223, 447-61

Edward Lopatto
PMB Graduate Student (Hultgren Lab); NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention; 2020-current
Education: B.A. Biology, Grinnell College (2020)
Rotations: Stallings, Hultgren, & Levin Labs
Thesis: TBD
Lopatto EDB, Pinkner JS, Sanick DA, Potter RF, Liu LX, Bazán Villicaña J, Tamadonfar KO, Ye Y, Zimmerman MI, Gualberto NC, Dodson KW, Janetka JW, Hunstad DA, Hultgren SJ (2024) Conformational ensembles in Klebsiella pneumoniae FimH impact uropathogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121, e2409655121
Jacobs HM, O’Neal L, Lopatto E, Wozniak DJ, Bjarnsholt T, Parsek MR (2022) Mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa can produce calcium-gelled biofilms independent of the matrix components Psl and CdrA. J Bacteriol 204, e0056821
Lopatto E, Choi J, Colina A, Ma L, Howe A, Hinsa-Leasure S (2019) Characterizing the soil microbiome and quantifying antibiotic resistance gene dynamics in agricultural soil following swine CAFO manure application. PLoS One 14, e0220770

William E. McHargue
PMB Graduate Student (Dixit Lab), NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2020-current
Education: B.Eng. Biological Engineering, U. Missouri-Columbia (2016)
Rotations: Dixit, Haswell, & Pakrasi Labs
Thesis: TBD
Mattoon EM, McHargue W, Bailey CE, Zhang N, Chen C, Eckhardt J, Daum CG, Zane M, Pennacchio C, Schmutz J, O’Malley RC, Cheng J, Zhang R (2023) High-throughput identification of novel heat tolerance genes via genome-wide pooled mutant screens in the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell Environ 46, 865-88
Zhang N, Mattoon EM, McHargue W, Venn B, Zimmer D, Pecani K, Jeong J, Anderson CM, Chen C, Berry JC, Xia M, Tzeng SC, Becker E, Pazouki L, Evans B, Cross F, Cheng J, Czymmek KJ, Schroda M, Muehlhaus T, Zhang R (2022) Systems-wide analysis revealed shared and unique responses to moderate and acute high temperatures in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Commun Biol 5, 460
Anderson CM, Mattoon EM, Zhang N, Becker E, McHargue W, Yang J, Patel D, Dautermann O, McAdam SAM, Tarin T, Pathak S, Avenson TJ, Berry J, Braud M, Niyogi KK, Wilson M, Nusinow DA, Vargas R, Czymmek KJ, Eveland AL, Zhang R (2021) High light and temperature reduce photosynthetic efficiency through different mechanisms in the C4 model Setaria viridis. Commun Biol 4, 1092
Kalra I, Wang X, Cvetkovska M, Jeong J, McHargue W, Zhang R, Huener N, Yuan JS, Morgan-Kiss R (2020) Chlamydomonas sp. UWO241 exhibits high cyclic electron flow and rewired metabolism under high salinity. Plant Physiol 183, 588-601

Emmily Moses
PMB Graduate Student (Mansfeld lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2023-current
Education: B.S. Molecular Biology – Ohio Northern U (2023)
Rotations: Baxter, Mansfeld, and Topp labs
Thesis: Molecular mechanism of ontogenic disease response in tomato
Mast E … Moses EA … Kagey JD (2022) Genetic mapping of Uba3 O.2.2 , a pupal lethal mutation in Drosophila melanogaster. MicroPubl Biol 2022:10.17912

Ting-Shuo (Bryce) Nien
PMB Graduate Student; 2024-current
Education: B.S. Life Science, National Taiwan University (2021); M.S. Life Science, National Taiwan University (2023)
Rotations: Bose and Pakrasi labs
Thesis: TBD
Nien TS, Chan TH, Li YY, Liu TS, Shiau YJ, Ho MY (2024) Two cyanobacterial species exhibit stress responses when grown together in visible light or far-red light. mSphere 9, e0025124
Liu TS, Wu KF, Jiang HW, Chen KW, Nien TS, Bryant DA, Ho MY (2023) Identification of a far-red light-inducible promoter that exhibits light intensity dependency and reversibility in a cyanobacterium. ACS Synth Biol 12, 1320-30
Nien TS, Bryant DA, Ho MY (2022) Use of quartz sand columns to study far-red light photoacclimation (FaRLiP) in cyanobacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol 88, e0056222

Lily O’Connor
PMB Graduate Student (Meyers Lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2020-current
Education: B.S. Molecular & Cellular Biology, U. Pudget Sound (2020)
Rotations: Meyers, Bart, & Zaher Labs
Thesis: TBD
Zhan J, O’Connor L, Marchant DB, Teng C, Walbot V, Meyers BC (2023) Coexpression network and trans-activation analyses of maize reproductive phasiRNA loci. Plant J 113, 160-73
Qi M, Berry JC, Veley KW, O’Connor L, Finkel OM, Salas-González I, Kuhs M, Jupe J, Holcomb E, Glavina Del Rio T, Creech C, Liu P, Tringe SG, Dangl JL, Schachtman DP, Bart RS (2022) Identification of beneficial and detrimental bacteria impacting sorghum responses to drought using multi-scale and multi-system microbiome comparisons. ISME J 16, 1957-69
Nan GL, Teng C, Fernandes J, O’Connor L, Meyers BC, Walbot V (2022) A cascade of bHLH-regulated pathways program maize anther development. Plant Cell 34, 1207-25
Sepulveda-Garcia E, Fulton EC, Parlan EV, O’Connor LE, Fleming AA, Replogle AJ, Rocha-Sosa M, Gendron JM, Thines B (2021) Unique N-terminal interactions connect F-BOX STRESS INDUCED (FBS) proteins to a WD40 repeat-like protein pathway in Arabidopsis (2021) Plants 10, 2228

Anastasiia Onyshchenko
PMB Graduate Student (Bart Lab); 2019-Current
Education: B.S. Biology, National Taras Shevchenko U of Kyiv (2016); M.S. Cell & Molecular Biology, U Arkansas – Fayetteville (2018)
Rotations: Nusinow, Jez, Peterson, & Moon labs
Thesis: Isolating and characterizing bacterial strains with an impact on plant health
Activities: International Student Support Co-Chair, DBBS Student Advisory Committee
Ramalingam V, Yu X, Slaughter BD, Unruh JR, Brennan KJ, Onyshchenko A, Lange JJ, Natarajan M, Buck M, Zeitlinger J (2023) Lola-I is a promoter pioneer factor that establishes de novo Pol II pausing during development. Nature Comm 14, 5862
Onyshchenko A, Roberts WR, Ruck EC, Lewis JA, Alverson AJ (2021) The genome of a nonphotosynthetic diatom provides insights into the metabolic shift to heterotrophy and constraints on the loss of photosynthesis. New Phytol 232, 1750-65
Onyshchenko A, Ruck EC, Nakov T, Alverson AJ (2019) A single loss of photosynthesis in the diatom order Bacillariales (Bacillariophyta). Am J Bot 106, 560-572
Guillory WX, Onyshchenko A, Ruck EC, Parks M, Nakov T, Wickett NJ, Alverson AJ (2018) Recurrent loss, horizontal transfer, and the obscure origins of mitochondrial introns in diatoms (Bacillariophyta). Genome Biol Evol 10, 1504-1515

Pratheek Pandesha
PMB Graduate Student (Slotkin Lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2021-current
Education: B.S. Biotechnology, U. of Agricultural Sciences (2018); M.S. Plant Physiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (2020)
Rotations: Bart, Nusinow, & Slotkin labs
Thesis: Molecular dissection of initiation of epigenetic silencing in Arabidopsis
Liu P, Panda K, Edwards SA, Swanson R, Yi H, Pandesha P, Hung YH, Klaas G, Ye X, Collins MV, Renken KN, Gilbertson LA, Veena V, Hancock CN, Slotkin RK (2024) Transposase-assisted target-site integration for efficient plant genome engineering. Nature 631, 593-600
Adavi B S, Pandesha PH, B J, Jha SK, Chinnusamy V, Sathee L (2023) Nitrate supply regulates tissue calcium abundance and transcript level of Calcineurin B-like (CBL) gene family in wheat. Plant Physiol Biochem 199, 107724
Vineeth TV, Krishna GK, Pandesha PH, Sathee L, Thomas S, James D, Ravikiran KT, Taria S, John C, Vinaykumar NM, Lokeshkumar BM, Jat HS, Bose J, Camus D, Rathor S, Krishnamurthy SL, Sharma PC (2023) Photosynthetic machinery under salinity stress: trepidations and adaptive mechanisms. Photosynthetica 61, 73-93
Sathee LB, Pandesha PH, Barman D, Adavi BS, Nagar S, Tripathi S, Jha SK, Chinnusamy V (2022) Genome editing targets for improving nutrient use efficiency and nutrient stress adaptation. Front Genetics 13, 900897
Pandesha PH, Nagar S, Advani S, Chinnusamy V, Pandey R (2021) Functional annotation of hypothetical proteins involved in multiple stress response in Orzya sativa. Ind J Agr Sci 91, 7

Nushrat Rashid
PMB Graduate Student; 2024-current
Education: B.S. Biochemistry, Texas A&M University (2024)
Rotations: R Zhang and Jez labs
Thesis: TBD

Hayley Sussman
PMB Graduate Students; 2024-current
Education: B.S. Biotechnology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (2019)
Rotations: Gehan and Cox labs
Thesis: TBD
Yu L, Sussman H, Khmelnitsky O, Rahmati Ishka M, Srinivasan A, Nelson ADL, Julkowska MM (2024) Development of a mobile, high-throughput, and low-cost image-based plant growth phenotyping system. Plant Physiol 196, 810-29
Blunt EL, Choi J, Sussman H, Christopherson RC, Keen P, Rahmati Ishka M, Li LY, Idrovo JM, Julkowska MM, Van Eck J, Richards EJ (2023) The nuclear lamina is required for proper development and nuclear shape distortion in tomato. J Exp Bot 74, 5500-13
Blunt EL, Shandler JA, Hughes EJ, Sussman H, Christopherson RC, Richards EJ (2020) Coordination of NMCP1- and NMCP2-class proteins within the plant nucleoskeleton. Mol Biol Cell 31, 2948-58

Ryan Valdez
PMB Graduate Student (Levin Lab), Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Scholar; 2019-current
Education: B.S. Plant Sciences, U Arizona (2019)
Rotations: Levin, Ben-Shahar, & Penczykowski labs
Thesis: Illuminating the essential role of the outer membrane component and drug target lipopolysaccharide
Activity: InPrint, Editor
McKinney RM, Valdez R, Ben-Shahar Y (2021) The genetic architecture of larval aggregation behavior in Drosophila. J Neurogenet 25, 1-16

Vincent Vanyo
PMB Graduate Student (Bravo lab), Danforth Plant Science Fellow; 2023-current
Education: B.S. Microbiology – Iowa State U (2023)
Rotations: Bose, Bart, Bravo, and Kau labs
Thesis: Elucidating the mechanism of lipid transfer from plant host to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Jesus Peng Zhao
PMB Graduate Student; 2024-current
Education: B.S. Biochemistry, University of California – San Diego (2024)
Rotations: Dixit and Nusinow labs
Thesis: TBD