November 27, 2018: American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
PMB faculty member Joe Jez is named as a AAAS Fellow. Eleven WUSTL faculty were elected Fellows this year – congratulations to all!

November 20, 2018: PMB Students Receive Center for Engineering Mechanobiology Grants
Ryan Calcutt (Dixit lab) and Kari Miller (Haswell lab) each receive a $10,000 grant from the CEMB for collaborative projects with UPenn grad students Erin Masucci and Abigail Loneker, respectively.

November 15, 2018: Ending a Toxic Relationship
Petra Levin and Lizzy Mueller (MMMP grad student) preview work that identifies how bacteria evolved ADP ribosyltransferase toxins.

October 22, 2018: Bayer Fellowship
Patricia Walker (Pakrasi lab) receives a 3-year fellowship from the Bayer Excellence Fund for Graduate Research in the Life Sciences.

October 15, 2018: 2018 PMB Retreat at the St. Louis Zoo
Prof. Lisa Ainsworth (U Illinois/USDA) is the Keynote Speaker.

September 7, 2018: Preparing for the Competition
The Ampersand reports on WUSTL’s program for preparing students for the annual NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

August 22, 2018: Cold Spring Harbor Lab – Translational Control Meeting
Leo Yan (Zaher lab) gives a talk on how chemical damage to mRNA triggers ribosome-based quality control in the cell (Sep 4-8).

July 2, 2018: Decoding and mRNA Structure in PNAS
Erica Thomas (Zaher lab) is a co-first author
Keedy, Thomas, & Zaher show that decoding on the ribosome depends on the structure of the mRNA phosphodiester backbone (2018 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115, E6731).

June 13, 2018: Congratulations to the 2018 William H. Danforth Plant Sciences Fellows
Natasha Bilkey (Dixit lab), Ryan Emenecker (Strader lab), Erin Mattoon (R Zhang lab), Kiona Elliott (Bart lab) and Kari Miller (Haswell lab) are the 2018 fellows.

May 30, 2018: Imaging Sciences Pathway Fellowship
Virginia Johnson (Pakrasi lab) receives a 2-year ISP fellowship.

May 23, 2018: New PhD!
Congratulations to Dr. Cynthia Holland (Jez lab) – Cynthia heads to the Jander Lab at the Boyce Thompson Institute as an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow.

May 11, 2018: New PMB Co-Director – Ram Dixit
Ram becomes co-director replacing Joe, as he becomes chair of biology this July.

May 4, 2018: Ben Wolf and a New Algae from Forest Park
PMB student Ben Wolf‘s (Blankenship lab) discovery of a new alga species in Forest Park is highlighted in The Ampersand.

May 1, 2018: New National Academy Members
Rick Vierstra (PMB faculty member), Sally Elgin & Jonathan Losos named as members of the National Academy of Sciences.

May 1, 2018: NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) to Petra Levin
Petra receives a $2 million MIRA from NIGMS – these awards aim to provide investigators with greater flexibility and stability for exploring new research directions.

April 18, 2018: 2018 American Institute for Biological Sciences Congressional Visits Day
Dennis Zhu (Stallings lab) is part of the AIBS event, which included a 2-day advocacy workshop and a day of congressional meetings.

April 14, 2018: Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship and Taiwan MOE-WUSTL Scholarship
Incoming PMB students Taylor Harris and Chia-Yun Lee received Chancellor’s and Taiwan Ministry of Education-WUSTL Fellowships, respectively.

April 3, 2018: NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Maria Sorkin (Nusinow lab) and Kari Miller (1st year), along with two undergraduates from PMB labs – Alison Greenlaw (Zaher lab) and Greg Harrison (former Kunkel lab)

April 9, 2018: Annual Varner Lecture
This year’s lecturer is Anja Greitmann from McGill University.

March 22, 2018: ICAR Travel Award
FIrst-year PMB student Kiona Elliott receives a travel award to attend the 2018 International Conference on Arabidopsis Research in Turku, Finland this summer.

March 10, 2018: Biotech Internship
Samantha Powers (Strader/Jez labs) will be a Genome Engineering Intern at Monsanto this summer.

March 5, 2018: Developmental Cell article from the Dixit Lab
Past PMB student Chuanmei Zhu is a co-author
Keeping plant cell motors on track – Ganguly et al. (2018) is highlighted in the Record, along with a Current Biology paper (Fan et al., 2018) from the Dixit lab.

February 27, 2018: Biotech Internship
Anne Phillips (Bart lab; Danforth Center) will be a summer intern at New Leaf Symbiotics.

February 16, 2018: Kiona featured in a DBBS Student Spotlight

February 16, 2018: PMB Faculty Member Tim Wencewicz receives a Sloan Research Fellowship

February 4, 2018: Plant Volatiles Gordon Research Symposium in Italy
Cynthia Holland (Jez lab) is selected to talk about her work on prephenate aminotransferase at the Plant Volatiles GRS in Barga, Italy.

January 29, 2018: Plotting the Path of Plant Pathogens
Sheri McClerklin‘s (Kunkel lab) thesis work and PLoS Pathogens paper is highlighted in the WUSTL Record.