Pressure meter: convection-enhanced Pirani gauge (Kurt J. Lesker Company® model KJL300808) Vacuum reached: ~1×10-2 mBar when maintaining the continuous pumping
Input system for gas mixture
Ball and Needle valves
CO2 (or desired gaseous mixture) in the pressure range 1×10-2 mBar to ambient pressure
Sample temperature
Coolant: LN2
Delivery of coolant: evaporation of LN2 from a Dewar via the heating of an immersed electric resistor
T control: RTD and CN7600 autotune controller (OMEGA Engineering Inc.)
Cold plate: a toroid-shape double-wall copper block
Sample cups: 24 cups of 0.5” internal diameter × 0.4” internal depth made of cooper in good thermal contact with cold plate
T range: RT to -100°C
Sample T homogeneity: ±0.5 °C at 0°C or ±5 °C at – 40 °C