2024 January, nine abstracts were submitted to the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference by Professor Wang’s team and from her collaborators. Some are the new scientific discoveries relevant to Mars, the moon, Venus, and even Europa and Enceladus. Some relate to instrumentation for missions or new laboratory apparatus. These research projects are funded by NASA SSW, DALI, ICEE-2, LuSTR, SSERVI programs, and by NASA support to Prof. Wang as the Co-I of the ExoMars mission.
2023 April, a new paper Simulation of Venus Lightning‐I: Characterization of Free Radicals Generated in Venus Major Gas Mixture was published by the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, with open access at http://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007617. The significance of this study was stated in a report at the WUSTL Art&Sci webpage at https://artsci.wustl.edu/ampersand/earth-only-planet-lightning
2023 January, a new paper Quantification of carbonates, oxychlorines, and chlorine generated by heterogeneous electrochemistry induced by Martian dust activity was published by Geophysical Research Letters, with open access at https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2022GL102127 which was reported by news media worldwide in multiple languages, as in this report by Science Daily in English, also those in Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, and Japanese,
2022 June, a new GC-MS system was successfully installed in Room 268, funded by NASA Planetary Major Equipment and Facility (PMEF) program, and by the internal funds from WUSTL_EPS and WUSTL_MCSS.
2022 April, an invited article Planetary Spectroscopy is accepted by Oxford Research Encyclopedias
2022 March, a new paper Gamma-CaSO4 With Abnormally High Stability From a Hyperarid Region on Earth and From Mars is accepted and published online by Journal Geophysics Review – planet, at https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JE007108.
2021 June, our new proposal to the NASA Solar System Working program was selected! Together with a Planetary Major Equipment proposal to be supported by NASA, WUSTL-EPS, and WUSTL-MCSS. We are ready to continue our exploration in this field of Heterogeneous Electrochemical Process Induced by Energetic Electrons on Planetary Bodies.
2021 March, a new paper about the potential electrostatic discharge induced by the Ingenuity helicopter on the Perseverance rover mission to Mars was published.
2021 February: WRANGL3R proposal was selected by NASA LuSTR program
2021 January & March: four abstracts were submitted and will be presented at 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference by Prof. Wang’s team.
2020 November: a new paper “Amorphization of S, Cl-salts induced by Martian Dust Activities ” was published, https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020JE006701
which was reported by
and by EOS
2020 May: a new paper “Chlorine Release from Common Chlorides by Martian Dust Activity” was published https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2019JE00628, and was reported by media in the US, UK, Europe, and Russia, such as…
2019 July: Three new papers from Wang’s team, Wang et al., JRS, 2019; Shi et al., JRS, 2019; and Wang et al., Icarus, 2019; were published at J. Raman Spectroscopy and at ICARUS.
2018 October: Our three papers, Kong et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018; and Sobron et al., 201, were published in a Special Collection “A New Mars Analog Site on the Third Pole of Earth: Dalangtan Saline Playa in the Hyperarid Qaidam Basin on Tibet Plateau” in October issue of Astrobiology.
2018 October: a new paper, “Forming perchlorates on Mars through plasma chemistry during dust events” is published in Volume 504 (15 Dec 2018) of Earth and Planetary Science Letters, and was reported by Science Magazine
2018 August: National Public Radio reported the works of Professor Alian Wang and her collaborator Dr. Pablo Sobron.
2017 October: A new project “Planetary surface mineral phase transformation
induced by electrostatic discharge (ESD) in near-surface atmospheric processes” was selected for funding by NASA Solar System Working Program
2017 June: Professor Alian Wang was elected as a Fellow of The Geological Society of America