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Journal Articles

  1. Battista A, Padoa-Schioppa C and Wang XJ (2025)
    A Neural Circuit Framework for Economic Choice: From Building Blocks of Valuation to Compositionality in Multitasking
    bioRxiv, doi: (download)
  2. Livi A*, Zhang M*, Carter M, Schoknecht H, Burkhalter A, Holy TE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2025)
    Laminar Architecture of a Decision Circuit in Orbitofrontal Cortex
    bioRxiv, doi: (download)
  3. Zhang M*, Livi A*, Carter M, Schoknecht H, Burkhalter A, Holy TE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2024)
    The representation of decision variables in orbitofrontal cortex is longitudinally stable
    Cell Reports, 43, 114772 (PDF)
  4. Jezzini A and Padoa-Schioppa C (2024)
    Neuronal activity in the gustatory cortex during economic choices
    Journal of Neuroscience, 44, e2150232024 (PDF)
  5. Ballesta S, Shi W and Padoa-Schioppa C (2022)
    Orbitofrontal cortex contributes to the comparison of values underlying economic choices
    Nature Communications, 13, 4405 (PDF)
  6. Shi W, Ballesta S and Padoa-Schioppa C (2022)
    Neuronal origins of reduced accuracy and biases in economic choices under sequential offers
    eLife 2022, 11, e75910 (download)
  7. Padoa-Schioppa C (2022)
    Logistic analysis of choice data: A primer
    Neuron, 110, 1615-1630 (download)
  8. Shi W, Ballesta S and Padoa-Schioppa C (2022)
    Economic choices under simultaneous or sequential offers rely on the same neural circuit
    J Neurosci, 42, 33-43 (download)
  9. Cai X and Padoa-Schioppa C (2021)
    Neuronal activity in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex during economic choices under variable action costs
    eLife 2021, 10, e71695 (download)
  10. Ballesta S, Shi W, Conen KE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2020)
    Values encoded in orbitofrontal cortex are causally related to economic choices
    Nature, 588, 450-53 (download)
  11. Kuwabara M, Kang N, Holy TE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2020)
    Neural mechanisms of economic choices in mice
    eLife 2020, 9, e49669 (download)
  12. Jezzini A and Padoa-Schioppa C (2020)
    Neuronal activity in the primate amygdala during economic choice
    Journal of Neuroscience, 40, 1286-1301 (download)
  13. Ballesta S and Padoa-Schioppa C (2019)
    Economic decisions through circuit inhibition
    Current Biology, 29, 3814-24 (download)
    …… see comment by V Stuphorn
  14. Onken A, Xie J, Panzeri S and Padoa-Schioppa C (2019)
    Categorical encoding of decision variables in orbitofrontal cortex
    PLOS Computational Biology, 15, e1006667 (download)
  15. Conen KE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2019)
    Partial adaptation to the value range in the macaque orbitofrontal cortex
    Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 3498-3513 (download)
  16. Cai X and Padoa-Schioppa C (2019)
    Good-based economic decisions under variable action costs 
    Nature Communications, 10, 393 (PDF)
  17. Padoa-Schioppa C and Conen KE (2017)
    Orbitofrontal cortex: A neural circuit for economic decisions
    Neuron, 96: 736-54 (PDF)
  18. Rustichini A, Conen KE, Cai X and Padoa-Schioppa C (2017)
    Optimal coding and neuronal adaptation in economic decisions
    Nature Communications, 8, 1208 (PDF and supplement)
  19. Conen KE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2016)
    The dynamic nature of value-based decisions
    Commentary on Rich and Wallis, Nature Neuroscience (2016)
    Nature Neuroscience, 19, 866-7 (PDF)
  20. Xie J and Padoa-Schioppa C (2016)
    Neuronal remapping and circuit persistence in economic decisions
    Nature Neuroscience, 19, 855-61 (PDF + checklist)
    …… see comment by E Rich and J Wallis
  21. Padoa-Schioppa C and Schoenbaum G (2015)
    Dialogue on economic choice, learning theory, and neuronal representations
    Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, 16-23 (PDF)
  22. Rustichini A and Padoa-Schioppa C (2015)
    A neuro-computational model of economic decisions
    Journal of Neurophysiology, 14, 1382-98 (PDF)
  23. Conen KE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2015)
    Neuronal variability in orbitofrontal cortex during economic decisions
    Journal of Neurophysiology, 14, 1367-81 (PDF)
  24. Padoa-Schioppa C (2015)
    A commentary on “Utility-free heuristic models of two-option choice can mimic predictions of utility-stage models under many conditions”
    Frontiers in Neuroscience 9, 188 (PDF)
  25. Murray JD, Bernacchia A, Freedman DJ, Romo R, Wallis JD, Cai X, Padoa-Schioppa C, Pasternak T, Seo H, Lee D and Wang XJ (2014)
    A hierarchy of intrinsic timescales across primate cortex
    Nature Neuroscience 17, 1661-3 (PDF and supplement)
  26. Raghuraman A and Padoa-Schioppa C (2014)
    Integration of multiple determinants in the neuronal computation of economic values
    Journal of Neuroscience 34, 11583-603 (PDF)
    …… see comment by A Lak and W Stauffer
  27. Padoa-Schioppa C and Rustichini A (2014)
    Rational attention and adaptive coding: A puzzle and a solution
    American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 104, 507-13. (PDF)
  28. Cai X and Padoa-Schioppa C (2014)
    Contributions of orbitofrontal and lateral prefrontal cortices to economic choice and the good-to-action transformation
    Neuron 81, 1140-51. (PDF)
  29. Padoa-Schioppa C (2013)
    Neuronal origins of choice variability in economic decisions
    Neuron 80, 1322-36. (PDF)
    …… see comment by L Hunt
  30. Cai X and Padoa-Schioppa C (2012)
    Neuronal encoding of subjective value in dorsal and ventral anterior cingulate cortex
    Journal of Neuroscience 32, 3791-3808. (PDF)
  31. Padoa-Schioppa C and Cai X (2011)
    The orbitofrontal cortex and the computation of subjective value: consolidated concepts and new perspectives
    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1239, 130-137. (PDF)
  32. Padoa-Schioppa C (2011)
    Neurobiology of economic choice: a good-based model
    Annual Review of Neuroscience 34, 333:59. (PDF)
  33. Padoa-Schioppa C (2009)
    Range-adapting representation of economic value in the orbitofrontal cortex.
    Journal of Neuroscience 29, 14004-14. (PDF and supplement)
  34. Padoa-Schioppa C (2008)
    The syllogism of neuro-economics.
    Economics and Philosophy 24, 449-457. (PDF)
  35. Addessi E, Mancini A, Crescimbene L, Padoa-Schioppa C and Visalberghi E (2008)
    Preference transitivity and symbolic representation in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella).
    PLoS ONE 3, e2414. (PDF)
  36. Padoa-Schioppa C and Assad JA (2008)
    The representation of economic value in the orbitofrontal cortex is invariant for changes of menu.
    Nature Neuroscience 11, 95-102. (PDF and supplement)
  37. Padoa-Schioppa C (2007)
    Orbitofrontal cortex and the computation of economic value.
    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1121: 232-253. (PDF)
  38. Padoa-Schioppa C and Assad JA (2006)
    Neurons in orbitofrontal cortex encode economic value.
    Nature 441, 223-226. (PDF and supplement)
    …… see comment by J Wallis
    …… see comment by V Stuphorn
  39. Padoa-Schioppa C, Jandolo L and Visalberghi E (2006)
    Multi-stage mental process for economic choice in capuchins. 
    Cognition 99, B1-B13. (PDF)

Conference Abstracts (last 3 years)

  1. Crimmins T, Kanazawa Y, Padoa-Schioppa C and Tavoni G (2024).
    A network-based theory of optimal coding for economic decisions.
    Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting (Chicago, IL).
  2. Battista A, Padoa-Schioppa C and Wang X-J (2024).
    Neural circuit underlying economic decisions: Insights from a computational model.
    Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting (Chicago, IL).
  3. Barretto-Garcia M, Tu JC and Padoa-Schioppa C (2024).
    Neuronal activity in the orbitofrontal cortex of monkeys choosing between three options varying on three dimensions.
    Poster presented at the Simian Collective Conference (Pittsburgh, PA).
  4. Kanazawa Y, Khoshkhou M, Crimmins T, Tavoni G and Padoa-Schioppa C (2024).
    Functional connectivity of neurons in the macaque orbitofrontal cortex.
    Poster presented at Simian Collective (SimCo) Meeting (Pittsburgh, PA).
  5. Barretto-Garcia M, Tu JC and Padoa-Schioppa C (2024).
    Neuronal activity in the orbitofrontal cortex of monkeys choosing between three options varying on three dimensions.
    Poster presented at the 7th Annual Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (Cambridge, MA).
  6. Battista A, Padoa-Schioppa C and Wang X-J (2024)
    Neural circuit underlying economic decisions: Insights from a computational model.
    Poster presented at COSYNE (Lisbon, Portugal).
  7. Battista A, Padoa-Schioppa C and Wang X-J (2023)
    Neural circuit underlying economic decisions: Insights from a computational model.
    Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting (Washington, DC)
  8. Barretto-Garcia M, Tu JC and Padoa-Schioppa C (2023)
    Neuronal activity in the orbitofrontal cortex of monkeys choosing between three options varying on three dimensions.
    Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting (Washington, DC).
  9. Zhang M, Livi A, Carter M, Schoknecht H, Holy TE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2022)
    Two-photon calcium imaging of orbitofrontal cortex in mice performing economic choices reveals high temporal stability.
    Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting (San Diego, CA).
  10. Livi A, Zhang M Carter M, Schoknecht H, Holy TE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2022)
    Neural encoding of economic decision variables in the mouse orbitofrontal cortex differs by cortical layer.
    Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting (San Diego, CA).
  11. Shi W and Padoa-Schioppa C (2022)
    Value compression and the amplification of choice biases.
    Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting (San Diego, CA).


  1. Balci F, Ben Hamed S, Boraud T, Bouret, S, Brochier T, Brun C, Cohen JY, Coutureau E, Deffains M, Doyere V, Gregoriou GG, Heimel JA, Kilavik BE, Lee D, Leuthardt EC, Mainen ZF, Mathis M, Monosov IE, Naude J, Orsborn AL, Padoa-Schioppa C, Procyk E, Sabatini B, Sallet J, Sandi C, Schall J, Soltani A, Svoboda K, Wilson CRE and Zimmermann J (2023)
    A response to claims of emergent intelligence and sentience in a dish
    Neuron, 111, 604-605 (PDF).

Book Chapters

  1. Padoa-Schioppa C and Shi W (2025)
    The role of orbitofrontal cortex in economic choice behavior.
    In: JH Grafman, Ed., Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Second Edition, vol. 3, pp. 324–342. Elsevier Press. (email us for a reprint)
  2. Conen KE and Padoa-Schioppa C (2020)
    The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in economic decisions
    In: D Poeppel, GR Mangun and MS Gazzaniga Eds., Cognitive Neurosciences VI, MIT Press (email us for a reprint)
  3. Padoa-Schioppa C (2013)
    What happens in the brain when we make a decision?
    In: V Hoesle Ed., Dimensions of goodness (p.151-164). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  4. Platt ML and Padoa-Schioppa C (2008)
    Neuronal representations of value.
    In: P Glimcher et al, Eds., Neuroeconomics: a survey of the field and seminar text. Elsevier. (PDF)
  5. Padoa-Schioppa C (2007)
    Neuroscienze: Basi fisiologiche dei processi decisionali.
    In: Enciclopedia della scienza e della tecnica, vol. 2, pp.265-73. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. (PDF)

Motor Control

Journal articles

  1. Richardson AG, Lassi-Tucci G, Padoa-Schioppa C and Bizzi, E (2008)
    Neuronal activity in the cingulate motor areas during adaptation to a new dynamic environment.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 99, 1253-66. (PDF)
  2. Richardson AG, Overduin SA, Valero-Cabré A, Padoa-Schioppa C, Pascual-Leone A, Bizzi E and Press DZ (2006).
    Disruption of primary motor cortex prior to learning impairs memory of movement dynamics.
    Journal of Neuroscience 26, 12466-12470. (PDF)
  3. Xiao J, Padoa-Schioppa C and Bizzi E (2006).
    Neuronal plasticity on the dorsal and ventral premotor areas of monkeys adapting to a new dynamic environment.
    Experimental Brain Research 168, 106-119. (PDF)
  4. Padoa-Schioppa C, Li C-SR and Bizzi E (2004).
    Neuronal activity in the supplementary motor area of monkeys adapting to a new dynamic environment.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 91, 449-473. (PDF)
  5. Padoa-Schioppa C, Li C-SR and Bizzi E (2002)
    Neuronal correlates of kinematics-to-dynamics transformation in the supplementary motor area.
    Neuron 36, 751-765. (PDF)
  6. Li C-SR, Padoa-Schioppa C and Bizzi E (2001)
    Neuronal correlates of motor performance and motor learning in the primary motor cortex of monkeys adapting to an external force field.
    Neuron 30, 593-607. (PDF)
  7. Gandolfo F, Li C-SR, Benda BJ, Padoa Schioppa C and Bizzi E (2000)
    Cortical correlates of learning in monkeys adapting to a new dynamical environment.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97, 2259-2263. (PDF)

Book chapters

  1. Padoa-Schioppa C, Mussa-Ivaldi FA and Bizzi E (2005)
    New perspectives on motor learning.
    In: A Riehle and E Vaadia, eds., Motor cortex in voluntary movements: a distributed system for distributed functions. CRC Press.
  2. Padoa-Schioppa C and Bizzi E (2003)
    Neuronal plasticity on the motor cortex of monkeys acquiring a new internal model.
    In: SH Johnson, ed., Taking action: cognitive neuroscience perspective on intentional acts. MIT Press.