Current Job Openings
Watch this space for future opportunities!
By joining Mitreva Lab you will become a member of a highly interdisciplinary team, and will have opportunities to contribute to ongoing projects and design new ones within the framework of our broad research portfolio.

Post-doctoral researchers
To enquire about the availability of a Postdoctoral position please email
- Curriculum Vitae
- Summary of graduate research (up to one page)
- Future plans (up to one page)

Undergraduate and intern researchers
Undergraduates that can devote at least 12 hours per week during the academic year or full-time during the summer can work in the lab. Freshmen/sophomores are able to experience the excitement of doing science by being involved in ongoing projects and juniors/seniors can be involved in ongoing or start new projects. To explore availability, email your CV and statement of research interests to

Graduate students
a) Please apply through one of the four Biology & Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) PhD graduate programs:
- Computational and systems biology
- Molecular Genetics and Genomics
- Molecular Microbiology and Molecular Pathogenesis
- DBBS – Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology
b) For prospective MA/MD graduate degree (one-year research during your MD program) please contact Dr. Mitreva directly at to discuss possibilities based on your interests.
Graduate student rotations
Laboratory rotations are available for first-year graduate students and occur on a quarterly basis. Rotation projects are ~10-week projects and can be tuned to a student’s skills and interests. If you are interested in rotation in our lab please contact Dr. Mitreva at to discuss projects and plans.
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