
Our multidisciplinary team is dedicated to the goal of studying and developing a cure to diabetes. We are leading the field in the discovery and development of novel therapies using human stem cells. Specifically, we are developing replacement cells and tissues that can secrete insulin in response to blood sugar levels to precisely control blood sugar.

Our team has made many seminal discoveries towards functionally curing diabetes. We were the first to generate:
- Cells that can rapidly reverse severe pre-existing diabetes (Nature Biotechnology 2020). Press release. New York Post. Daily Mail. MSN. IFLScience.
- Diabetes reversed in mice with genetically edited stem cells derived from patients (Science Translational Medicine 2020). Press release. MSN. FierceBiotech. Medium.
- Glucose-responsive insulin-secreting cells from stem cells similar to those in the body (Cell 2014). Press release. CBS Evening News. BBC Radio 4 Interview.
- Glucose-responsive insulin-secreting cells from patients with Type 1 diabetes (Nature Communications 2016). Press release. NPR St. Louis.
- Highly functional cells with much more precise control of dynamic insulin secretion (Stem Cell Reports 2019). Press release. Medical News Today.
To rapidly advance this technology to patients, we are focused on three immediate goals with our research:
- Rapidly process the technology towards human trials
- Make available a large-scale, sustainable source of insulin-producing cells and tissues
- Overcome immune rejection of transplanted cells with biomaterials and genetic engineering
Please consider directly supporting the Millman lab’s research discovering and evaluating new treatments for all forms of diabetes. Donations allow the Millman lab to focus on translation of research findings into treatments and are tax deductible.
For more information on possible giving, please contact Dr. Millman or Rachel Hartmann at the Development office
Dr. Jeffrey Millman: 314.362.3268 or jmillman [at] wustl [dot] edu
Rachel Hartmann: 314.935.9715 or rachel_hartmann [at] wustl [dot] edu
Get it done: The work that we do has the potential to touch the lives of many people with diabetes. This is a responsibility that we take seriously. Our team focuses on developing practical solutions and technologies for treating diabetes and will overcome any and all obstacles.
Team with focus: The Millman lab is made up of many amazing individuals from many different backgrounds. But the challenge of diabetes is too big for just one person or way of thinking. We are committed to helping patients by working together as a team and forming synergistic partnerships with other groups.
Innovation is key: We are committed to continuing to push the edge of human knowledge and technological capabilities. We value original thinking, passion, grit, and jumping into the unknown.