The Summer Math Crash Course is back!
Be excited for the third iteration of the summer math crash course. Based on feedback from recent years, we did our best to adjust the curriculum and course material.
Registration: April 12th, 2024 (Friday) – May 17th, 2024 (Friday) (EXTENDED)
When: June 3rd (Mon) – August 2nd (Fri), 2024
Where: Hybrid* (on Zoom and in-person, location TBA)
*Students will be able to participate fully remotely and all tutoring sessions will be accessible via zoom.
Updated Course features include:
- Applied course sections
- Beginner and Advanced curricula are offered simultaneously
- Choose your time commitment: we recommend modules for 5, 10, and 15 hours/week
- Lecture-style tutoring sessions that cover key concepts
- Research talks from senior students that show applications of math concepts taught
This crash course is targeted to Imaging Science Graduate Students and affiliated students, and researchers (McKelvey School of Engineering, Radiology). However, all WashU graduate students and researchers are welcome to participate in the courses. Feel free to reach out to us (imsci.wustl.mathbc@gmail.com) if you have any questions!