
The Imaging Science Student Council is a group of Imaging Science PhD students with the purpose to represent and advocate for Imaging Science students and foster an inclusive student community through social activities and support groups.

WE are always looking for new members!
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What we do:

As a student group, we plan various social and educational events for Imaging Science students. This includes happy hours, movie nights, and picnics to provide each student with a sense of community. Additionally, we plan student seminars to provide students with the opportunity to share their research. We also support our incoming and current students through programs such as our Math Crash Course, mock qualifying exams, and resources for students new to the St. Louis area.

Who we are:

Executive Board:

Morgan Fogarty | President

Charlie Chen | Secretary

Nischal Khanal | Treasurer

Sungmin Park | Social and Communications Chair

Cornelia Wang | First-Year Student Representative

Current Members:

Alvin Agato

Kaushik Dutta

Morgan Fogarty

Nischal Khanal

Sungmin Park

Aahana Bajracharya

Ty Easley

Youdong Gou

Rui Liao

Cornelia Wang

Charlie Chen

Wiete Fehner

Sung Min Ha

Jonah Padawer-Curry

Tingting Wu