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- Supporting documentation and information requirements
- Submit your original, itemized receipts (with the exception of meal receipts if you are claiming per diem)
- Please add notes to receipts in foreign currency to explain the expense
- Acceptable supporting documentation must include vendor, price, description or itemization of expenses, and proof of payment.
- Provide start and end dates of travel, destination(s), and business purpose.
- Conference agendas must be attached.
- Indicate any meals that were provided to you by others.
- Reimbursement Requests
- Submit a “Submit Travel Expenses” ticket through the Freshdesk ticketing portal, providing the following:
- Attach the full itinerary which shows the flight details (e.g., dates, destination, ticket class, etc.), and proof of payment.
- If a flight credit is used towards your airfare, you will also need to provide the original itinerary (showing detailed travel information and proof of payment)
- Attach all other travel receipts, a detailed business purpose of the trip, explanations of any unusual details (e.g. any significant expense not included for reimbursement, does the trip include any personal travel, reasons for a trip originating or ending in a city other than St. Louis, etc.), and which budget should be charged (e.g., STAR account, program budget, etc.)
- Approval for expenses charged to anything other than a STAR account should be attached.
- Travelers must disclose if portions of travel were paid by a third party.
- Reimbursement Deadline
- WashU policy requests reimbursement requests to be submitted within 15 days after the expense is incurred. Travel-related expenses should be submitted in aggregate within 15 days of trip completion.
- We expect all reimbursements to be submitted by the guidelines noted above.
- Expense reports submitted more than 60 days after the expense was incurred require additional approvals.
- Expenses submitted more than six months (182 days) after being incurred will not be reimbursed.
- Additional Considerations
- Please submit one ticket per trip. We cannot accept multiple trips submitted on one ticket.
- Procard travel receipts should be submitted using this ticket type.
- Inadequate documentation or lack of information will delay your reimbursement.