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Olin meal policies apply to local and travel meals, social and entertainment meals and events:
- Breakfast/Lunch is limited to $75 per person per meal and dinner is limited to $100 per person per meal (including tax, tip, alcohol, & space rental) unless there is a legitimate business reason which has been approved by the Senior Associate Dean of Finance and Operations in advance. Documentation of the approval must be submitted with your receipt to be reimbursed above the limit.
- Submit itemized receipts that include date, vendor, purchase details, and payment method.
- For fewer than 12 people, provide the business purpose of the event, names of guests, their titles, and association with the University.
- For 12 or more people, provide the business purpose of the event, the number of people in attendance, and the makeup of the group (we don’t need individual names and titles).
- Meals for your spouse, partner, or other family members are reimbursable only when there is a legitimate business reason, which has been approved by the Senior Associate Dean of Finance and Operations in advance. Documentation of the approval must be submitted with your reimbursement request.