Summary:  Olin’s faculty need access to the best databases available for their research needs while ensuring Olin makes the best use of its funds.  To ensure resources are used wisely and avoid paying for databases that are already accessible through one of the WU libraries, it is important to share information with the Kopolow and WU Library staff during the purchasing process.

Olin will cover the cost of research databases that are used widely across Olin faculty. For those that are used by only a handful of Olin faculty, STAR accounts may need to fully fund the cost. Usage will be tracked to help evaluate future funding.

Process: Email Archana Kambli and Gabe Theodoro with requests for new or renewal database contracts. They will:

  • Check to see if we have an existing contract.
  • Contact the Kopolow Library circulation desk to see if the library has access, or if they have a comparable existing resource available.
  • Request WashU’s Purchasing Department to review the contract.
  • Submit the reviewed contract to Vice Dean Mark Leary for approval and signature.
  • Process payment for access to the database.
