International Travel Registry

Key messages

• One of Washington University’s top priorities is the health, safety, and security of our students, faculty, and staff. This priority takes on even greater importance when members of our community travel outside the United States.

• To help ensure safety and wellbeing when traveling internationally, registration for university-related international travel is required of all students and all benefits-eligible faculty, residents, staff, residents, clinical fellows, and post-doctoral researchers traveling outside the United States for university purposes.

• MyTrips and related support services is provided by our longtime partner, International SOS (ISOS), the world’s largest medical and travel security services firm. ISOS specializes in medical assistance, travel security advice and information, health care, and evacuation and repatriation services.

• MyTrips requires travelers to create a one-time traveler profile at and then register the details of each trip through the system.

Who Must Register their Travel

In accordance with the university’s international travel policy, you are required to register your complete itinerary and contact information if you are:

  • an undergraduate student participating in university-sponsored program or experience abroad
  • a graduate or professional student traveling on university-funded or university-related business, field study, research, conference attendance, internship or study abroad program
  • a student traveling, for any academic or other WashU-associated purpose, to a high-risk location where the ITOC has determined that a signed waiver is required
  • a faculty or staff member, or a student, leading a group that includes students

Helpful Links

MyTrips – How to Register
MyTrips – FAQ