Before you go:

  • International travel is defined as any travel outside of the United States or within any U.S. territory (e.g., Puerto Rico).
  • Travelers should review the WashU International Travel Policy and review the country and region list for potential travel suspension conditions before making any travel plans. If the destination is on the list, an approved petition for exception will be required before any travel plans are made.
  • All international trips must be registered in advance in the WU Global Travel Registry.
  • On government grants and contracts, foreign travel is defined as any travel outside of Canada and the United States, its territories, and possessions. If a U.S. flag carrier is not available, please contact Sponsored Projects before making your travel arrangements..
  • Renting vehicles internationally
    • When renting a vehicle outside of the United States, Canada, and U.S. territories, travelers must elect to purchase the minimum liability and physical damage insurance coverage offered by the rental agency.

Handling travel expenses when you return

  • When submitting your travel expense receipts, add labels, such as “hotel,” “rental car,” etc. If expenses were paid via credit card, use the actual rate paid as shown on your credit card statement and include a copy of the statement with the Travel Expense Statement. Exchange rates can be found at
  • Please refer to the Travel Reimbursement tab for more information.

  • Please see the other travel tabs for more information on specific topics.