Fee-based Events for Olin Community

Ticket sales for events targeted to internal audiences (Faculty, Staff, Students) are primarily available for use by Student Groups, each of which has an associated account number for revenue and expenses.

Due to potential tax implications, Olin Departments interested in collecting payments for an event must obtain approval in advance by submitting a general inquiry ticket in Freshdesk. Please allow at least one week for review.

Meals & Social Events

Please be aware that the Olin Meal Policy has a per person per meal limit that applies to events (including tax, tip, alcohol, & space rental). Please refer to the meals policy here.

Reminder that we have a contract review process, please refer to our Contract page here. While you work out the particulars of your event, please send us the preliminary contract that outlines the terms and conditions early in the process to allow adequate time for review.

If you need help planning an event, please reach out to your department event coordinator:

Mary-Kourtney Weck
Events Specialist for GPO

Joy Addler
Events Coordinator for Undergraduate Programs

Olin Events: rsvp-olin@olin.wustl.edu