The Chinese Student Association is proud to present Eddie Huang as part of the SU Speaker Series, WashU Assembly Series, and keynote speaker for Pan-Asia Week. Eddie’s accolades include being a successful entrepreneur, an Asian-American rights activist, and author of Fresh off the Boat: A Memoir, which has been adapted into ABC’s first Asian-American sitcom in over 20 years, Fresh off the Boat.

CSA invited him to campus because we believe that the entire WashU community can benefit from Eddie sharing his unique experience of growing up in America as an Asian American. His rise to fame includes him exploring his cultural identity, challenging stereotypes, and believing in himself despite sometimes being the minority. His outspoken attitude and restaurant commercial success has found Eddie appearing on national television, college campuses, and being interviewed for national magazines. His talk, titled, “An Evening in Eddie’s World”, will focus on the relationship between food, culture, and identity with anecdotes from new his new book, Double Cup Love: On the Trail of Family, Food, and Broken Hearts in China, and his new show, Huang’s World.




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