GlobeMed x CSA BLM Fundraiser Update

In June 2020, CSA partnered with GlobeMed in their fundraiser for the Black lives matter movement, raising money for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, The Bail Project, Close the Workhouse, and Missouri Black Protestors Legal Fund.

Thank you to everyone who donated to our cross-collaboration fundraiser! CSA has raised $368 on its own. To see the receipts, click here.

SU Week of Activism

Day 5
  1. Educate yourself on topics including (but not limited to) the school-to-prison pipeline, lack of representation in STEM, and the construction of the “model minority” myth
  2. Continue to educate yourself and read Black authors
  3. Watch 13th

Day 4
  1. Educate yourself on the policies and regulations that have led to communities being disproportionately exposed to toxic and hazardous waste based upon race
  2. Make calls for justice and demand accountability
  3. Watch There’s Something in the Water
Day 3
  1. Educate yourself on structural underpinnings that have cemented the racial wealth divide and potential systemic policy changes
  2. Make calls to national representatives and demand national policy reforms
  3. Watch The Pruitt-Igoe Myth

Day 2
  1. Educate yourself on racial disparities in incarceration and the many injustices of the “criminal justice” system
  2. Make calls to local St. Louis representatives and demand policy reforms in our city
  3. Watch Moonlight and Freedom Writers

Day 1
  1. Educate yourself on Police Brutality’s prevalence
  2. Sign petitions to enact positive change in our flawed systems
  3. Watch Whose Streets? to learn more about the killing of Michael Brown and Ferguson uprising from citizens who lived through it.