What are CSA Dynasties?
The CSA dynasty system serves as a non-committing, inclusive opportunity for anyone interested in joining to become part of a small and personalized group of friends and mentors within CSA! The system serves as a great way to give students, especially freshmen, a social and educational support system under the support and resources of CSA. CSA dynasties is aimed towards building lasting relationships and community within CSA and the greater WashU community.
How are dynasties structured?
The CSA dynasty system will be structured through a number of unique groups called families. Each dynasty will be led by two dynasty heads. These dynasty heads will typically be upperclassman students or individuals with an active and long-running engagement in CSA. Led by the dynasty heads are around 5-7 dynasty members. Members will consist of any individual who has expressed interest in the dynasty program. Anyone is qualified to join a dynasty regardless of grade level or involvement in CSA. This is to ensure that the system is and remains inclusive. Depending on the number of interested students, the number of families and dynasty size may vary. However, each dynasty should be no more than 10 members maximum.
How are families created?
The interest form features a few questions designed to gauge your academic focus, interests, hobbies and much more! All this information will be taken into account to pair you with the best dynasty possible. You can also request to be in a dynasty with any friend of your choice.
There will also be several dynasty-orientated events throughout the semester!
- Dynasty competitions in which families can compete with other families and earn certain rewards and titles
- Fynasty-wide banquets in which all families gather to enjoy a food festival with catered food
- Bi-weekly CSA “dynasty of the week” e-mails
Please contact CSA at csa@su.wustl.edu. Thank you for your interest in CSA Families!