Researchers mapped individual brain dynamics

“….Todd Braver, professor in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, the research introduces a framework that uses noninvasive, high-temporal resolution brain scans to construct individualized models of brain activity. These models provide detailed insights into the neural mechanics behind cognition and behavior, advancing fundamental neuroscience and treating neurological disorders.”  

WashU researchers map individual brain dynamics

“Led by Todd Braver, a professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences, and ShiNung Ching, an associate professor in the Preston M. Green Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering in the McKelvey School of Engineering, the work introduces a novel framework that will allow the researchers to create individualized brain models based on […]

Barch honored by national mental health organizations

“The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) awarded her the 2024 Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health for her seminal contributions to advancing our understanding of the developmental psychopathology and treatment of mental health disorders. She received the award at the group’s annual meeting Oct. 20 in Washington, D.C.” “The Brain & Behavior […]

Deanna Barch honored by national mental health organizations

Congratulations, Deanna! “The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) awarded her the 2024 Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health for her seminal contributions to advancing our understanding of the developmental psychopathology and treatment of mental health disorders. The award was presented at the group’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 20. The […]

Potential of mindfulness to enhance cognitive health in Latinx older adults being studied

“[Todd] Braver notes that older Latinx adults are a vulnerable and understudied population, which might mean there is potential to put in place even more “protective factors” by teaching this group mindfulness practices. “We don’t know whether mindfulness can do that,” Braver cautioned, “but we want to test that possibility.”

Braver awarded MURI grant for attention control strategies research

Way to go! We are looking forward to seeing the outcomes of this research proposal. The project — “A computational cognitive neuroscience framework for attentional control traits and states (CCN-FACTS)” — is expected to span five years. Congratulations, Todd! http//

Mindfulness Science and Practice—a collaboration with the Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures.

Mindfulness Science and Practice– a collaboration with the Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures welcomed Dr. Doris Chang, Associate Professor in the NYU Silver School of Social Work, for a talk entitled “Building Bridges not Walls: Applying Lessons from Contemplative Science to Enhance Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom, Clinic, and Beyond.” A recording of the talk is available here: […]

Congratulations, Todd and ShiNung Ching!

Research in Braver and Ching labs could boost thinking, focus.

Congratulations Dr. Rappaport

Congratulation to Brent Rappaport, Ph.D. on his successful dissertation defense! Come celebrate Dr. Rappaport’s success at Tower Grove Park on Sunday, May 23rd.  

Deanna Barch elected to AAAS

Congratulations Deanna on your election to the AAAS. A very high and well-deserved honor for Deanna.  Her notice states: With your election, you join the company of notable members – from our founders John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Maria Mitchell, and Alexander Graham Bell.  Other distinguished members […]

Congratulations to the Bloom Family!

    Congratulations to Nick and Linda Bloom. Their daughter, Lily Winter Bloom was born at 8:10 a.m. on Jan. 22 weighing in at 7 lbs. 5 ozs. Best wishes to all the Blooms!

Articles for 9/23 lab meeting

Please find attached articles for background information on Jenny Zhang’s lab meeting presentation. Poldrack (2001) Martens Johnson 2005

CCP LAB Summer 2019

L to R: Carol Cox, Kenacia Goings, Sahee Abdelmomin, Janelli Rodriguez, Mitch Jeffers, Emily Thomason, Katie Pereira, Jenny Crawford, Erin Moran, Debbie Yee, Bidhan Lamichhane, Catherine Tang, Michael Freund, and Alex Kizhner

Congratulations Todd!

Todd Braver received the Outstanding Faculty Award from the Graduate Student Senate April, 2019. See more here   L to R: Peeta Li, Maria Gehred, Shelly Cooper, Mitch Jeffers, Alex Kizhner, Debbie Yee, Todd Braver (seated)

4/22/19 journal club article

FOR 4/22 LAB MEETING – JOURNAL CLUB Yang et al. – 2019 – Task representations in neural networks trained to-2ml2ptw

Welcome to the new CCP Lab web site

Hi, This is an area for lab members and invited guests to share their knowledge, current info, links, etc. with lab members.