Bio 265 Course Description

Bio 265 allows WU undergraduates to earn credit for clinical research and other non-classroom learning in the life sciences with WU/WUSM Faculty Mentors. Students complete the online application at An application is required each semester which includes a work plan, that is sent to the Faculty Mentor for your review and agreement. Registration is by the Biology Dept.  after approval by the Course Master.   The Application Deadline for Fall/Spring semesters is the First Friday of the semester in which the student is  applying. The Summer deadline is the First Friday of June. Credit: 1.5 units per semester, contingent upon completion of two semesters.  Grading is Pass/Fail only.

Faculty Mentor Responsibilities:

Approval. Faculty mentors will receive an email requesting their approval to enroll student(s). This email is automated and will send once the student completes the Bio 265 application. Application access is on the Register page of this website.

Meeting with your student. Mentors or Mentor’s designee must meet with the student regularly during the semester to monitor their progress and provide feedback to the students on their performance and responsibilities.

Student time requirement. Students must commit to at least 140 hours and not more than 160 hours of work over two semesters. See unit guideline table below for hourly commitment by week.

Semester Summary Report: Students are expected to submit a semester summary paper/progress report at the end of each semester they conduct research. The parameters of the semester summary paper and final paper should be defined and specified to the student by the mentor during the application process and included in the students application.

Time. Mentors should follow the unit guideline table which defines the amount of time a student should spend working each week. Note: Enrollment for Spring and Fall semesters is 1.5 units ONLY.

Grade Submission. Mentors will receive an email reminder at the end of the semester to submit a grade for their student. Grade submission is done using e-grades. Login is simple and completed using your Wustl Key and password. Note that Bio 265S (summer) grades are submitted at the end of the fall semester. Bio 265S units are posted to students fall schedule which allows them to include the course cost in their regular tuition.

Mentor Agreement and Promise to students:

I understand that as a WU/WUSM Faculty I am expected to make every effort to protect a student’s health and when appropriate this student will be trained in OSHA standards or Human Blood & Body Fluid Precautions and will be asked to mask, gown and glove when appropriate.

I understand and have contacted my Departmental Administrator to determine if this student is required by my Hospital/clinic/Department to undergo required procedures (may include but not limited to:  Drug Screening, Felony Background Check, Tuberculosis screening, Immunization screening) in order to fulfill the Bio 265 project proposal submitted by the student at application.
All costs associated with any/all above Hospital/clinic/Department requirements will be paid for by my Department or I/My Administrator will notify the student that the student is responsible for the above costs before registering for Bio 265.
Note: All Bio 265 students are required to complete HIPAA training.

Questions and Concerns. If you have any questions or concerns at anytime during the semester, please email the BIO 265 mailbox:, or course master Dr. Joan Downey (

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