Teaching Teams
  • Compare and contrast different cells (3.1.C)
  • Cell membrane absorption (3.2.A)
  • Energy production through digestion, enzymatic reactions in digestion(3.2.C)
  • Recognizing function of protein in body, enzyme action (3.2.E)
  • semipermeable membrane transportation (3.2.F)
  • Life processes can be interrupted by disease, as in cancer (3.2.G)
  • Design and run an experiment (7.1.A)
  • Gather evidence through experimentation (7.1.B)
  • Analyze data to find patterns (7.1.C)
  • Technology improves scientific knowledge (8.1.B)
  • Compare and contrast metal properties, pH classification of acids and bases (1.1.A)
  • Compare acidic, basic, or neutral substances (1.1.B)
  • Predict the effect of temperature or pressure on the properties of matter (1.1.D)
  • Predict reactions based on periodic table placement and properties (1.1.F)
  • Classify physical and chemical changes (1.1.G)
  • Predict the products of an acid/base (neutralization), oxidation (rusting), and combustion (burning) reaction (1.1.H)
  • Enzymatic reactions allow for the breakdown of molecules, interpret data to show effect of enzymes, macromolecule structures (3.2.D)
  • Recognize the function of a protein (enzyme) in the body, and what can affect those reactions (3.2.E)
  • Make qualitative and quantitative observations by conducting experiments (7.1.B)
Genetics and Genomics
  • Explain how the DNA code determines the sequence of amino acids necessary for protein synthesis (3.1.E)
  • Describe the chemical and structural properties of DNA, recognize that degree of relatedness can be determined by comparing DNA sequences, recognize that DNA codes for proteins, which are expressed as the heritable characteristics of an organism (3.3.B)
  • Recognize that new heritable characteristics can only result from new combinations of existing genes or from mutations of genes in an organism’s sex cells (3.3.D)
  • Explain how genotypes (heterozygous and homozygous) contribute to phenotypic variation within a species (3.3.E)
  • Recognize all organisms are composed of cells, the fundamental units of structure and function (3.1.B)
  • Plants and animals have different structures that serve similar functions necessary for the survival of the organism (3.1.D)
Leon Lowenstein Teaching Kits
DNA Extraction
  • Describe the structure of cell parts and their function (3.1.C)
  • Describe the chemical and structural properties of DNA, recognize that degree of relatedness can be determined by comparing DNA sequences, recognize that DNA codes for proteins, which are expressed as the heritable characteristics of an organism (3.3.B)
Surface Tension
  • Predict the effects of solvent and solute polarity on solubility; and predict the effects of temperature, surface area, particle size, and agitation on rates of solubility (1.2.B)
  • Recognize the importance of water as a solvent (5.1.B)