The SMART Africa-Uganda team has completed the 6-month assessments in the 10 control arm schools, which included interviews with a total of 756 guardians and 747 children. In addition, 16-week assessments are underway in four treatment arm schools with 261 guardian and 259 children interviews. The team is currently in the process of identifying and contacting participants that have changed residencies since the last wave of data collection . In regards to MFG facilitator training, all the facilitators who were required to retake their Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Test have passed the exam.
The SMART Africa-Uganda team is also working on disseminating the findings. The team’s paper titled “Prevalence of behavioral disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder among school going children in Southwestern Uganda” is currently in press in the BMC Psychiatry Journal (see “NEW PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS” for more details). Additionally, Phionah traveled to Chicago to present the findings from this paper at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference. Much appreciation to the Uganda team for all the great work in the field and in the dissemination of the findings.