The SMART Africa-Uganda study, which is the scale-up site for the SMART Africa Center funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), has resumed the Multiple Family Group (MFG) intervention sessions after the holiday break. Interventions one through 14 of the Amaka Amasanyufu (Happy Families) manual have been conducted for all four treatment arm schools, and session 15 is in the process of being delivered. In addition, the SMART Africa team has been training 24 intervention facilitators, both parent peers (12) and community health workers (12), to equip them with delivery techniques and familiarize them with the manual content. The facilitators completed their Knowledge Skills and Attitude Test (KSAT). A joint meeting was held at the Hotel Brovad on February 2nd, 2019 for the 24 facilitators who already completed the training and are currently delivering the MFG intervention and the new group of 24 facilitators who have been receiving training. Hearing from more experienced facilitators on their field and training experiences provided a great learning experience for the new facilitators. Certificates for completion of the Amaka Amasanyufu training were then awarded to 31 facilitators; 24 currently delivering the intervention and 7 who just completed the training and scored the required pass mark of 85% in the KSAT. It was a joyous event!