Updates from the Field

SMART Africa Kenya- updates from the field

The Kenya Team has been hard at work preparing for their study implementation. The team has finalized their Memorandum of Understanding with their implementation partner, BasicNeeds-Kenya, and will start their training in MFG intervention in the next couple of weeks. The team has also identified the study research assistants and are in the process of training them in study procedures and administration of measures. The training will start on Monday, March 25.  As part of the training, the research team will also pre-test the measures with caregivers and children in the Child and Adolescent Clinic in Mathare Teaching and Referral Hospital, Nairobi. In addition, the team is preparing for recruitment of study participants and working closely with schools and the chairman of the community health workers in Lari Sub County, Kirenga Sub Location, to identify potential parent peers and CHWs who could be recruited in the study to deliver the intervention. The Kenya team is eager to begin participant recruitment, consenting and screening soon. Congratulations, Kenya team, on all the progress you have made!