Inside SMART Africa Updates from the Field

SMART Africa Kenya- updates from the field

SMART Africa-Kenya is a pilot study that tests the effectiveness of the Multiple Family Group (MFG) intervention amongst approximately 180 children and their caregivers in Kiambu County, Kenya. The team is currently in the field delivering MFG sessions to families in two treatment arm schools. To date, the team has delivered up to session four of the MFG intervention. Participants, teachers, and school administrators are optimistic about the intervention and hope to see modification in children’s behaviors and families in general. Baseline assessments have been conducted for all study participants. In the control arm schools, all participants have received mental health literature and will be assessed at eight weeks. The Kenya team would like to thank their implementing partner BasicNeeds Kenya and the mentorship received from Dr. Keng Yen-Huang at New York University. Many thanks for making this study a success!