Global Fellow Global Fellows Corner Inside SMART Africa

SMART Africa Global Fellow, Dr. Ozge Sensoy Bahar, gives R21 progress update

SMART Africa Global Fellow and SMART Africa Co-Investigator, Dr. Ozge Sensoy Bahar, has been busy over the last couple of months. She, along with, the in-country Co-Principal Investigators Drs. Abdallah Ibrahim and Alice Boateng and Co-Investigator Dr. Mavis Dako-Gyeke completed 45 caregiver interviews (targeted n=90) in the Tamale District in Northern Ghana as part of her R21 qualitative project funded by the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD). This study, entitled “Family Processes and Rural-urban Migration among Adolescents”, explores the parental ethnotheories on childhood, child independent migration, and child labor, as well as family processes behind decision making. This team, along with U.S.-based investigators Dean Mary McKay, Drs. Fred Ssewamala, Proscovia Nabunya, also submitted an R21 grant that builds on the above study. This grant submission received a strong score and the team is waiting on the final decision from NICHD. If funded, this grant entitled “ANZANSI Family Program: A family-based intervention for female youth at risk of migration for Kaya work and their families in Northern Ghana” will test the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary impact of the ANZANSI combination intervention (economic empowerment and multiple family group interventions) in preventing adolescent girls’ unaccompanied rural-to-urban migration and involvement in child labor. Fingers crossed, Dr. Sensoy Bahar!