Capacity Building Inside SMART Africa

ICHAD study coordinator, Wilberforce Tumwesige, presents at the ICHAD and SMART Africa team meeting

ICHAD study coordinator, Wilberforce Tumwesige, presented at the ICHAD and SMART Africa January team meeting. He presented findings from a paper that was recently submitted to the children and Youth Services Review journal, on “Understanding child employment among adolescent girls in Southwestern Uganda: Baseline findings.” Wilberforce co-authored this paper with William Byansi, Joelynn Muwanga, and Drs. Sensoy Bahar, Ssewamala, and Nabunya. The study findings from Suubi4Her baseline data showed that 51 adolescent girls (4%) out of the 1,260 study participants were engaged in child employment Poverty is considered one of the main factors pushing school-going children into paid work to supplement their family’s income and pay for their tuition and scholastic materials.