Inside SMART Africa

Dr. Proscovia Nabunya, doctoral student William Byansi, and SMART Africa Global Fellow Dr. Latoya Small selected as new SMART Africa fellows

Congratulations to ICHAD Co-Director Dr. Proscovia Nabunya, Doctoral student William Byansi, and SMART Africa Global Fellow Dr. Latoya Small, who have been selected to be part of the new NIMH-funded “Researcher Resilience Training” program. The program is  designed to train the next generation of child and adolescent behavioral health researchers.  The three will join six other fellows from across the United States for a 12-day training program in both St. Louis, MO and Masaka, Uganda. Co-led by Brown School Dean Mary McKay, ICHAD and SMART Africa Director Fred Ssewamala, and Associate Dean for Faculty and Research Sean Joe, the program will combine didactic coursework with hands-on trainings as well as targeted mentorship.