Inside SMART Africa

Dr. Juliet Iwelunmor presents at the SMART Africa/ICHAD speaker series

On December 4th, 2018, Dr. Iwelunmor, an Associate Professor in Behavioral Science and Health Education at the College for Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University made a presentation at the SMART Africa and ICHAD Speaker Series held Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Iwelunmor’s presentation focused on the use of social innovations and social entrepreneurship in creating sustainable health programs that enhance the health and well-being of young people in low and middle-income countries. Specifically, her presentation focused on her ongoing innovative and participatory youth-friendly HIV self-testing project whose aim is to expand HIV self-testing among youths in Nigeria. Dr. Iwelunmor’s presentation provided project background and rationale, approach, activities, progress made to date and the next steps. This edition of the SMART Africa and ICHAD Speaker Series was mostly attended by graduate students from the social work, public health and business school who got an opportunity to ask questions and comment on the research.